team that appears in publications under the mature-audience MAX
imprint by Marvel Comics
. The team first appears in Supreme Power #1 (Jan. 2003) and was created by writer J. Michael Straczynski
and artist Gary Frank
The series Supreme Power features the rebooted version of the superhero
team Squadron Supreme
and is set in Earth-31916.
Hyperion arrives on Earth as an infant, and is taken into custody by the US government and raised in a controlled environment.
Jimmy Carter [on what to do with baby Hyperion]: He's a child of the United States. See to it he's raised like one.
Man watching Hyperion [after seeing his "flash vision" manifest and kill a puppy named "Spot"]: Huh...well...I guess Spot was kind of the right name after all.
Nighthawk's father: Hear that, Rosalie? You know what kind of bird that is?
Nighthawk's mother: Oh, and you do?
Nighthawk's father: It's a nighthawk. See, most hawks hunt only during the day. But the prey they're chasing, well, they've got an advantage, because during the day, you can see the hawk's shadow. But a hawk that hunts at night, well, you can't see it, can you? Can't see his shadow. Can't stop it.
Nighthawk's mother: You're making this up.
[a soldier asks Joseph Ledger why they call him "The Doctor"]
Doctor Spectrum: You want someone to perform a job with precision? Without making an error? You want a surgeon. A Doctor.
[after Hyperion's first day at normal school]
Hyperion: I don't... I just don't fit in, that's all. I don't belong there.
Hyperion's father: It'll be okay, Mark. You have a purpose. You're important. That's what matters.
Hyperion: I know, it's just... there really isn't anyone else in the world like me, is there?