Suprahyoid triangle
The submental triangle is a division of the anterior triangle of the neck
Anterior triangle of the neck
-Boundaries:The triangle is inverted with its apex inferior to its base which is under the chin.-Nerve supply:2 Bellies of Digastric* Anterior: Mylohyoid nerve* Posterior: Facial nerve-Divisions:...



It is limited:
  • behind by the anterior belly of the Digastricus,
  • in front by the midline of the neck between the mandible and the hyoid bone
    Hyoid bone
    The hyoid bone is a horseshoe-shaped bone situated in the anterior midline of the neck between the chin and the thyroid cartilage. At rest, it lies at the level of the base of the mandible in the front and the third cervical vertebra behind.Unlike other bones, the hyoid is only distantly...

  • below, by the body of the hyoid bone;
  • its floor is formed by the Mylohyoideus.


It contains:
  • one or two lymph glands, the submental lymph nodes
    Submental lymph nodes
    The submental lymph nodes are situated between the anterior bellies of the Digastrici.Their afferents drain the central portions of the lower lip and floor of the mouth and the apex of the tongue....

  • some small veins; the latter unite to form the anterior jugular vein
    Anterior jugular vein
    The anterior jugular vein begins near the hyoid bone by the confluence of several superficial veins from the submaxillary region.It descends between the median line and the anterior border of the Sternocleidomastoideus, and, at the lower part of the neck, passes beneath that muscle to open into the...

External links

- "Identification of the subdivsions of the anterior triangle and corresponding borders." - "Anterior Triangle of the Neck: The Submental Triangle"
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