Supracondylar ridge
Supracondylar ridge can refer to:
  • Lateral supracondylar ridge
    Lateral supracondylar ridge
    The lower part of the lateral border of the body of the humerus forms a prominent, rough margin, a little curved from behind forward, the lateral supracondylar ridge , which presents an anterior lip for the origin of the Brachioradialis above, and Extensor carpi radialis longus below, a posterior...

  • Medial supracondylar ridge
    Medial supracondylar ridge
    The inferior third of the medial border of the humerus is raised into a slight ridge, the medial supracondylar ridge , which becomes very prominent below; it presents an anterior lip for the origins of the Brachialis and Pronator teres, a posterior lip for the medial head of the Triceps brachii,...

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