Sule Ahman
Sule M. Ahman is a retired army officer who was appointed Military Administrator of Enugu State
Enugu State
Enugu State is a mainland state in southeastern Nigeria. Its capital is Enugu, from which the state - created in 1991 from the old Anambra State - derives its name. The principal cities in the state are Enugu, Agbani, Awgu, Udi, Oji, and Nsukka....

, Nigeria
Nigeria , officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a federal constitutional republic comprising 36 states and its Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The country is located in West Africa and shares land borders with the Republic of Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east, and Niger in...

 from August 1996 to August 1998 during the military regime of general Sani Abacha
Sani Abacha
General Sani Abacha was a Nigerian military leader and politician. A Kanuri from Borno by tribe, he was born and brought up in Kano, Nigeria. He was the de facto President of Nigeria from 1993 to 1998....


During the military coup of 27 August 1985, when General Ibrahim Babangida
Ibrahim Babangida
General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida CFR DSS mni , popularly known as IBB, was a Nigerian Army officer and military ruler of Nigeria...

became head of state, Major Sule Ahman lent support in his position in Supply and Transport in the Ikeja Cantonment.

As military administrator of Enugu State, Colonel Ahman inaugurated the 22nd General Assembly of Broadcasting Organizations of Nigeria, held in Enugu in 1997. In his address, Ahman urged the Chief Executives to help educate and enlighten the public, to ensure the success of the nation’s transition programme.
Ahman initiated a policy that only indigenes should be employed in the public service of Enugu State.
Non-indigenes were summarily dismissed.
He was also responsible for a major overhaul to the charter of the Enugu State Environmental Protection Agency which his predecessor Colonel Lucky Mike Torey had established in 1995, increasing its power and the scope of its duties.
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