Sugata Marjit
Sugata Marjit is the Director and Reserve Bank of India Professor of Industrial Economics at the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Kolkata
. He is a Ph.D. at the University of Rochester
and currently edits India Macroeconomics Annual.
Kolkata , formerly known as Calcutta, is the capital of the Indian state of West Bengal. Located on the east bank of the Hooghly River, it was the commercial capital of East India...
. He is a Ph.D. at the University of Rochester
University of Rochester
The University of Rochester is a private, nonsectarian, research university in Rochester, New York, United States. The university grants undergraduate and graduate degrees, including doctoral and professional degrees. The university has six schools and various interdisciplinary programs.The...
and currently edits India Macroeconomics Annual.
- India's exports: An analytical study (Oxford University Press, 1997. Hard Cover. Paper Back, 2000,with A. Raychaudhury),
- International Trade,Wage Inequality and The Developing Economy – A General Equilibrium Approach (2003,Springer-Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, New York with R. Acharyya)
- Joint Ventures, International Investment and Technology Transfer (2003,Oxford University Press, Reader in Economics, edited jointly with Nirbikar Singh)
- International Trade and Economic Development-Essays in Theory and Policy, (2008,Oxford University Press)
- Financial Intermediation in a Less Developed Economy, The History of the United Bank of India (Sage Publication, 2008, with Indrajit Mallick)
Journal Articles
- Profit Reducing International Outsourcing (2008, with A. Mukherjee) Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, Vol.17 (1).pp. 21-35
- Trade Liberalization, production Organization and Informal Sector in Developing Countries (2008, with. D.S.Maiti)- Journal of International Trade and Economic Development (Forthcoming)
- International and Intra-national Trade -A Continuum Approach (2008, with H. Beladi) Japanese Economic Review (Forthcoming)
- Quota as a Competitive Device ( 2008, with A. Mukherjee and T. Kabiraj) in Lex Zhao and Takashi Kamihigashi (eds) Globalization, International Trade and Economic Dynamics , in memory of Koji Shimomura- Springer-Verlag ( Forthcoming)
- Labor Productivity Growth , Informal wage and Capital Mobility A General Equilibrium Analysis (2008, with S. Kar) in Ravi Kanbur and Jan Svejnar (eds) Labor Markets and Development-Routledge Pub (Forthcoming)
- Skilled-Unskilled wage Inequality and Urban Unemployment (2008,with A. Chakravarty and H. Beladi) Economic Inquiry ( Forthcoming)
- Tariff Jumping and Joint ventures ( 2008, with A. Chakravarty and H. Beladi) Southern Economic Journal ( Forthcoming)
- Trade Reform and Informal Wage ( 2007,with S.Kar and H. Beladi) Review of Development Economics , Vol.11(2), pp. 313-320
- Informality, Corruption and Trade Reform (2007, with S. Ghosh and A.K. Biswas) European Journal of Political Economy, Vol.23, pp. 777-789
- Trade and wages (2007, with R. Acharyya ) Princeton Encyclopedia of World Economy (Forthcoming) – Princeton University Press
- Poverty, Taxation and Governance ( 2006, with V. Mukherjee and M. Kolmar) Journal of International Trade and Economic Development , Vol.15 (3),pp. 325-333
- International Outsourcing and R and D- Long Run Implications for Consumers(2007, with A. Mukherjee) Review of International Economics (Forthcoming)
- Emigration and Wage Inequality (2005, with S. Kar),Economics Letters , Vol.87, (3).pp.141-145
- Complementarity and International Trade –On Some Recent Developments in Structural general Equilibrium Models (2005, in S. Lahiri and P.Maiti ed.) Economic Theory in a Changing World, Oxford University Press.
- Asymmetric Capacity Costs and Joint Venture Buy-Outs (2004, with P. RayChaudhuri), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol.54 (3) ,pp. 425-438
- Trade and wage Inequality in Developing Countries (2004, with H. Beladi and A. Chakrabarti ) Economic Inquiry,Vol.42(2) , pp. 295-303
- Private Contribution for Public Projects: NGOs versus Governments (2003, with V. Mukherjee and G. Gupta) Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol.159(3),pp. 553-570
- Protecting Consumers Through Protection : The Role of Tariff - Induced Technology Transfer (2003, with T. Kabiraj) European Economic Review. Vol.47(1), pp 113-124.
- Possibility or Impossibility of paradoxes in small economy Harris-Todaro models - A Unifying analysis (2003,with H.Beladi) Journal of Development Economics. Vol. 72(1), pp 379-385.
- Economic reform and Informal wage – A General Equilibrium Analysis (2003) Journal of Development Economics. Vol.72(1), pp 371-378
- The Stolper - Samuelson Theorem in a Wage - Differential Framework (2002, with H. Beladi) Japanese Economic Review. Vol. 53(2), pp 177-181
- The role of International fragmentation in the Development Process (May 2001, with R.W. Jones) - American Economic Review, Vol.91 (2). pp. 363-366
- Technology Transfer Under Asymmetric Information, The Role of Equity Participation (2001 with A. Mukherjee), Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics. Vol. 157(2), pp. 282-300.
- Cooperation in R and D : The Case of Patent Infringement Agreements (2001 with A. Mukherjee and H. Shi) - Journal of Economic Behavior and Organisation. Vol. 45(4), pp. 383-401.
- South - South Cooperation and Exports (2001, with H. Beladi) - Theory and Decision. Vol. 50(3), pp 283-293
- Incomplete Information as a Deterrent to Crime (2000,with M. Rajeev and D.Mukherjee) European Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 16 (4). pp 763-773.
- Harassment, Corruption and Tax Policy (2000, with A. Mukherjee and V. Mukherjee), European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 16(1), pp 75-94
- Three Faces of Factor Intensities (1999 with R.W. Jones and H.. Beladi ) Journal of International Economics. Vol. 48 (2). pp. 413-20.
- Resolving the Credibility Problem of an Honest Government -A Case for Foreign Investment Subsidy(1999,jointly with U. Broll, B. Moitra and Y.K. Ng ), Review of International Economics, Vol.7(4), pp. 625-631
- Complementarity between Import Competition and Import Promotion (1999,with H. Beladi), Journal of Economic Theory, Vol.86 (2).pp 280-285
- On controlling crime with corrupt officials (1998, with H.Shi), Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, Vol.34 (1), pp. 163-172.
- Technology Collaboration and Foreign Quality Participation-A Theoretical Analysis (1998, with A. Mukherjee), Review of International Economics, Vol.6(1),pp 142-150.
- Protection and gainful effects of foreign capital (1996, with H. Beladi), Economics Letters,Vol.53 (3),pp. 311-316
- Targeting Sectors for Foreign Capital Inflow in a Small Developing Economy (1996 with U. Broll and S. Mitra), Review of International Economics. Vol. 5 (1). pp.101-06
- An Analysis of Rural-Urban Migration and Protection (1996 with H.Beladi),Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol.29 (4).pp.930-40
- A Theory of Overseas Joint Ventures(1995 with U.Broll and I.Mallick), Economics Letters. Vol.47 (3-4).pp.367-70
- Labour Market Aspects of Enclave Led Growth (1995 with R.W.Jones),Canadian Journal of Economics. Vol.28 pp.76-93
- Income Distribution and the Contractionary Effect of Protection-A Theoretical Analysis (1993 with T.Kabiraj), Economics Letters.Vol.41(4). pp.399-405
- International Technology Transfer Under Potential Threat of Entry-a Cournot Nash Framework (1993 with T.Kabiraj), Journal of Development Economics.Vol.42 (1).pp. 75-88
- Foreign Capital and Protectionism ( 1992 with Hamid Beladi),Canadian Journal of Economics.Vol. 25 (1).pp.233-38
- Agro-based Industry-and Rural-Urban Migration-A Case for an Urban Employment Subsidy (1991), Journal of Development Economics.Vol.35 (2).pp. 393-98
- Incentives for Cooperative and Non-Cooperative R and D Duopoly (1991), Economic Letters. Vol. 37 (2). pp. 187-91
- On a Non-Cooperative Theory of Technology Transfer (1990), Economics Letters. Vol. 33 (3). pp 293-98.
- A Simple Production Model in Trade and its Applications (1990), Economics Letters. Vol. 37 (2). pp 215.
- Rationalizing Public - Private Joint Ventures in an Open Economy - A Strategic Approach" (1990), Journal of Development Economics. Vol. 33 (2), pp. 377-83.
- A Simple Model of Technology Transfer(1998), Economics Letters,Vol.2 (1) pp. 63-67
- Trade in Intermediates and the Colonial Pattern of Trade (1987), Economica.Vol. 54(214). pp 173-84.
- Simple Production Model with Stolper - Samuelson Properties (1985, with R.W. Jones), International Economic Review. Vol. 26 (3). pp 565-67.