Submachine (series)
The Submachine, Submerged Machine, series is a series of point-and-click adventure games, created by Mateusz Skutnik
Mateusz Skutnik
Mateusz J. Skutnik is a graphic artist, game developer and architect graduated from the Technical University of Gdansk in Poland...

, and first released in October 2005.

In all the games you play as an unidentified character who awakes, seemingly after having some sort of amnesia
Amnesia is a condition in which one's memory is lost. The causes of amnesia have traditionally been divided into categories. Memory appears to be stored in several parts of the limbic system of the brain, and any condition that interferes with the function of this system can cause amnesia...

, in new locations of the "Submachine" and have to solve different puzzle
A puzzle is a problem or enigma that tests the ingenuity of the solver. In a basic puzzle, one is intended to put together pieces in a logical way in order to come up with the desired solution...

s and examine the environment in order to escape. The series has been generally well received. There are so far seven installations in the main series as well as four spin-offs
Spin-off (media)
In media, a spin-off is a radio program, television program, video game, or any narrative work, derived from one or more already existing works, that focuses, in particular, in more detail on one aspect of that original work...

. One of the spin-offs was made for a Jayisgames contest and another for the website of the band Future Loop Foundation.

In an interview with Igor Hardy, Mateusz Skutnik stated that "This series should go at least until Submachine 10. After that, I don't know."

Part of the main series

  • Submachine 1: The Basement (extended)
  • Submachine 2: The Lighthouse
  • Submachine 3: The Loop
  • Submachine 4: The Lab
  • Submachine 5: The Root
  • Submachine 6: The Edge
  • Submachine 7: The Core

Not a part of the main series

  • Submachine, the original game.
  • iSubmachine, a game for iPhone.
  • Submachine 2: The Lighthouse (Sketch)
  • Submachine Network Exploration Experience (stated as "not a game" by Mateusz Skutnik)
  • Submachine: 32 Chambers
  • Submachine Future Loop Foundation
  • Submachine Zero: Ancient Adventure


The Submachine series has drawn a multitude of fans to join Pastel Forum, created by the developer. On this forum, the fans have developed many theories, which are the main backing of most people's ideas on the story behind the Submachine, due to the often vague storyline that goes along with the series.

Some of these theories were included in the newest installation, the Submachine Network Exploration Experience. This was described as a "lovely way to include the player community in [...] a series of solo adventures" by Andrew Plotkin of GamesShelf in his review of the game.


The series has won numerous awards, including four from Jayisgames:
  • Best of Casual Gameplay 2010 - Point-and-Click (for Submachine 7)
  • Best of Casual Gameplay 2007 - Point-and-Click (for Submachine 4)
  • Best of Casual Gameplay 2009 - Adventure (for Submachine 6)
  • Casual Gameplay Design Competition #8 (for Submachine: 32 Chambers).

External links

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