Subdigitals is an album released by MoonScoop featuring songs by the various musicians in the animated television series Code Lyoko
Code Lyoko
Code Lyoko is a French animated television series created by Thomas Romain and Tania Palumbo. The series centers on boarding school students Jeremie, Ulrich, Yumi, and Odd who travel to the virtual world of Lyoko to fight against multi-agent computer program XANA with Aelita, a being originally...

. The band was originally named the Subsonics until having their name changed during the fourth season. The majority of the songs are done by the Subdigitals, while the final two tracks are performed by Debra Reynolds and Noam Kaniel.

The album was released in France before America.

A World Without Danger was released as a physical CD single only in France but was later imported in America on many sites including Amazon and eBay
eBay Inc. is an American internet consumer-to-consumer corporation that manages, an online auction and shopping website in which people and businesses buy and sell a broad variety of goods and services worldwide...


Planet Net was released as a music video single featuring the Lyoko Gang to help promote the release of the soundtrack.

The Subdigitals's members are Ben, Chris, and Nico (who is the lead singer).

Various bits of the song "Break Away" can be heard in many of the show's episodes, mainly the abridged instrumental. Abridged versions of the song "Planet Net" and "Break Away" are played in the episode Music to Soothe the Savage Beast.

Track listing

The tracks of the English CD are as follows:
  1. Planet Net
  2. Angel of Mine
  3. School Is Out
  4. Virtual World
  5. Time to Cry
  6. Secret Life
  7. Surfing in Cyberspace
  8. Mother Earth
  9. Get Away
  10. World with My Eyes
  11. Break Away
  12. A World Without Danger
  13. Planet Net (Music Video)

The tracks of the French CD are as follows:
  1. Planet Net
  2. Ouvre Les Yeux
  3. Technoïde
  4. D'ici Et Ailleurs
  5. Ensemble
  6. Sauver Le Monde
  7. Rodéo
  8. La Tribu
  9. S'en Aller
  10. Bienvenue
  11. S'envoler
  12. Un Monde Sans Danger

External links

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