StyleTap Platform is a Palm OS
Palm OS
Palm OS is a mobile operating system initially developed by Palm, Inc., for personal digital assistants in 1996. Palm OS is designed for ease of use with a touchscreen-based graphical user interface. It is provided with a suite of basic applications for personal information management...

In computing, an emulator is hardware or software or both that duplicates the functions of a first computer system in a different second computer system, so that the behavior of the second system closely resembles the behavior of the first system...

 for the Windows Mobile
Windows Mobile
Windows Mobile is a mobile operating system developed by Microsoft that was used in smartphones and Pocket PCs, but by 2011 was rarely supplied on new phones. The last version is "Windows Mobile 6.5.5"; it is superseded by Windows Phone, which does not run Windows Mobile software.Windows Mobile is...

/Windows CE
Windows CE
Microsoft Windows CE is an operating system developed by Microsoft for embedded systems. Windows CE is a distinct operating system and kernel, rather than a trimmed-down version of desktop Windows...

, Symbian OS and iOS operating systems. It emulates Palm OS 5.2 platform and earlier. Applications written for Palm OS platform show up as native Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC and Smartphone programs and operate in the same way.

Style Tap works on the following Windows Mobile OS versions:
  • Windows Mobile 6 Professional
  • Windows Mobile 6 Standard
  • Windows Mobile 5 for Pocket PC
  • Windows Mobile 5 for Smartphone
  • Pocket PC 2003SE (including full VGA support)
  • Pocket PC 2003
  • Pocket PC 2002
  • Pocket PC 2000
  • Various OEM customizations of Windows CE 4.2 and later
  • iOS v3.x.x firmware/iOS4 (requires Cydia
    Cydia is a large genus of tortrix moths, belonging to the tribe Grapholitini of subfamily Olethreutinae. Its distinctness from and delimitation versus the tribe's type genus Grapholita requires further study....

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