Struga dialect

Dialects of the Macedonian language
The dialects of Macedonian comprise the Slavic dialects spoken in the Republic of Macedonia as well as some varieties spoken in the wider geographic region of Macedonia. They exist as part of the dialect continuum of South Slavic languages that joins the Macedonian language with Bulgarian to the...
of the Macedonian language
Macedonian language
Macedonian is a South Slavic language spoken as a first language by approximately 2–3 million people principally in the region of Macedonia but also in the Macedonian diaspora...
. The dialect is spoken in Struga
Struga is a town and popular tourist destination situated in the south-western region of the Republic of Macedonia, lying on the shore of Lake Ohrid. The town of Struga is the seat of Struga Municipality.-Etymology:...
, Pogradec
Pogradec is a city in southeastern Albania, situated on the shores of Ohrid lake. It is the capital of the District of Pogradec, in the County of Korçë, located at 40.87°N and 20.70°E with a population of around 30,000 . The total area of the district is 725 km². Pogradec alone occupies about...
, Pustec and up to the Golo Brdo
Mala Prespa and Golo Brdo
Prespa e Vogël and Golloborda , refers to a geographical area situated in southeastern Albania. This region consists of two areas: Prespa e Vogël and Golloborda...
and in the surrounding hinterland. The Dialect has many similarities with the Vevčani-Radοža, Ohrid
Ohrid dialect
The Ohrid dialect is a member of the western and north western subgroup of the western group of dialects of the Macedonian language. The dialect is spoken in the region around the city Ohrid up to the southern point of the Ohrid Lake. Except in the city of Ohrid, the dialect is spoken in the...
and Korča dialects.
Phonological characteristic
- change of word-initial /tsv/ (цв-) to /tsu/ (цу): цвет → цут / cvet → cut ('flower')
- loss of intervocalic /v/ (в): право → прао / pravo → prao ('straight ahead')
- the stress is on the third syllable from the end of the word.
- loss of the intervocalic /ɡ/ (г): сега → сеа / sega → sea ('now')
- loss of the intervocalic /d/ (д): одиме → оиме or ојме / odime → ojme ('we go')
Morphological characteristic
- use of the suffix -иче / -iče: мома → момиче / moma → momiče ('kid');
- use of the preposition в/во ('in'): во вода, в град / vo voda, v grad ('in water', 'in city');
- use of the suffix -Т: тој пишит / toj pišit ('he writes');
- frequent use of the perfect construction: е дојден, беше дојден / e dojden, beše dojden (literally 'is come', 'was come').
- replacement of the consonant з/z with г/g: влезиме → влегваме / vlezime → vlegvame ('we enter');
- use of the suffix- ка/-ka: јас → јаска / jas → jaska ('I/me');
Other specific characteristics
- change of the vocal R and vocal L;
- using vocal groups such as: -ea-, -oa- .
Typical Words
- Пипун/pipun as opposed to диња/dinja - 'rockmelon'
- Риза/riza as opposed to крпа/krpa - 'towel'
- Кондури/konduri as opposed to чевли/čevli - 'shoes'
- Карпуз/karpuz as opposed to лубеница/lubenica - 'watermelon'
- Момиче/momiče as opposed to Мома/moma – 'girl'
- Плачки/plački as opposed to Алишта/Ališta – 'clothes'
- Гужба/Gužba as opposed to Народ/Narod – 'people/crowd'
- Блеблеби/Bleblebi as opposed to Леплеби/Leplebi -'chickpeas'
- Губа/Guba as opposed to Мазник/Maznik - PastryBanitsa (pastry)Banitsa is a traditional Bulgarian food prepared by layering a mixture of whisked eggs and pieces of cheese between filo pastry and then baking it in an oven....
Typical Sayings
- Не Биди енајџиа ко Нестора/Ne bidi enajdžija ko Nestora - 'Don't be a pain like Nestor'
- Како Струга нема друга!/Kako Struga nema Druga! - Like from Struga there is no other.
Example of the dialect
- Mometo odit na ezeroto
- Mometo odit na ezeroto
- da mi naleit biserna voda.
- Dve vedra v race, vedro na glava
- da mu izmie beḱаru nodze
- da mu izmiet, dur' do kolena,
- da mu izbrišet so bela riza.
- Mometo odit na ezeroto
- da mi naleit biserna voda,
- da mu izmiet beḱaru lice
- da mu izbrišet so al šamija.
- Mometo odit na ezeroto
- da mi naleit bela voda.
- da mu izmiet bеḱаru race
- bеќаru race dur' dо ramena,
- da mu izbrišet sos belo čevre.