Stripe rust (barley)
Stripe rust is a fungal disease of barley
caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. hordei. It was first detected in the United States in 1991, in northern and eastern Idaho in 1993, and in Oregon in 1995. The disease initially develops at a small loci within a field and spreads rapidly and has caused significant losses in areas where climatic conditions of are cool and wet.
The disease begins from a very small number of infections that are difficult or impossible to detect in the field. Spread of the pathogen can be explosive and cause significant losses, especially in the Pacific Northwest where cool, wet weather greatly favors disease development.
Barley is a major cereal grain, a member of the grass family. It serves as a major animal fodder, as a base malt for beer and certain distilled beverages, and as a component of various health foods...
caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. hordei. It was first detected in the United States in 1991, in northern and eastern Idaho in 1993, and in Oregon in 1995. The disease initially develops at a small loci within a field and spreads rapidly and has caused significant losses in areas where climatic conditions of are cool and wet.
Infections produce linear, orange-yellow pustules appear on leaves and/or heads. As the disease progresses, pustules coalesce to form long stripes between leaf veins. On susceptible cultivars, entire leaf blades may be covered with pustules. The black spore stage develops as linear black pustules covered by the leaf epidermis.Disease cycle
Puccinia striiformis f. sp. hordei, is an obligate parasite that overseasons on volunteer barley or rye, certain wild barleys such as Hordeum jubatum (foxtail barley), wheat, and numerous perennial grass species. name=Australia>Extension publication - AustraliaThe disease begins from a very small number of infections that are difficult or impossible to detect in the field. Spread of the pathogen can be explosive and cause significant losses, especially in the Pacific Northwest where cool, wet weather greatly favors disease development.