Strictly Berlin
Strictly Berlin is an exhibition series presenting Berlin media art, which was founded in 2006 by Heiko Daxl
and Ingeborg Fülepp
in co-operation with Noam Braslavsky
in the Galerie der Künste (GdK) in Berlin
„Their goal is not the illusory reproduction of reality, but rather to free the depicted reality from its usual temporal and semantic contexts and to give meaning in new combinations. Not the copy of reality, but terms the reality, where one interpretation is only one possibility under many. The possibility of retelling is rarely applicable to these forms of expressions and with the denomination of recognizing does not get one very far either. The viewer must think about himself and his own experiences, only then does the pleasure of viewings emerge, albeit without any warranty to reveal the enigma completely.“ (Heiko Daxl)
Strictly Berlin takes place annually in Berlin.
Participating Artists: Anna Anders, Dietmar Arnold, Jovan Balov, Sandra Becker, Ana Bilankov, Noam Braslavsky, Michael Brynntrup, Daniela Butsch, Genia Chef, Heiko Daxl, Claus Feldmann, Hanna Frenzel, Ingeborg Fülepp, Steven Gagnon, Archi Galentz, Monika Funke, Margita Haberland, Gab Heller, Sanja Ivekovic, Franz John, Kain Karawahn, Susanne Kienbaum, Betina Kuntzsch, Ilka Lauchstädt, Walter Lenertz, Antal Lux, Benoit Maubrey, Bettina Munk, Mona Mur, Sven Holly Nullmeyer, Günther Petzold, Claudius Pratsch, Klaus Riech, Susken Rosenthal, Ilse Ruppert, Mariko Sakamoto, Joachim Seinfeld, Lisa Schmitz, Ira Schneider, Jan-Peter E. R. Sonntag, Thorsten Streichardt, Signe Theill, Clea T. Waite, Eku Wand, Ute Weiss-Leder, André Werner.
strictly berlin 2006
""Our best ideas are often those that bridge between different worlds." (Marvin Minsky)
‘’We have still in, which few suit-case in Berlin must therefore we naechstens again. Cubes Seeligkeiten of past times are everything still our inside small suit-cases in it. We have still in, which remains few suit-case in Berlin cube also there and that, hat sense its. On this way are worthwhile themselves cubes journey have if we longing, then we drive again. Beautifully ist's in Paris on hums to avenue. Beautiful it is to be gone in May in the ROM through cube city. Or one sommernacht still with the wine in Vienna. But we think, even if you heut still another Berlin laugh. We have still in, which few suit-case in Berlin must therefore we naechstens again. Cubes Seeligkeiten of past times are everything still our inside small suit-cases in it. We have still in, which remains few suit-case in Berlin cube also there and that, hat sense its. On this way are worthwhile themselves cubes journey have if we longing, then we drive again. Because we have still another few suit-case in Berlin.‘’
(Modification of the originals by the Three Travellers und Bully Buhlan, interpreted Marlene Dietrich, translated 3 times German/English by Altavistas Babelfish)
This concept is as good or as bad as any other. But it follows the maxims of certain validities established in the realm of history. Without getting tedious, letʼs start from the very beginning: As Aristotle said, when people wondered about things, they did so for the sake of knowledge, not utility.
That is not what curators dream of; rather, it is the belief that the future is the only goal; it is the confidence that we have been brought together for the sake of something larger than our differences: vita brevis, ars longae. It is the acknowledgement of a wealth that exists only because we are different. Let us play, but not because we want to win; rather, because we want to experience, enjoy, feel, learn and know.
This exhibition brings together a plethora of parallel approaches that take different expressive forms. In Berlin a formulation of similar concerns can be seen to pervade all spheres of art, be it music, the visual arts, film, theater or performance. Artists from many countries, not just from Germany, have made Berlin their home, at least for a time. Their goal is not the apparent reproduction of reality, but rather to liberate the depicted reality from its usual temporal and semantic contexts and to give it meaning in new combinations. Not the copy of reality, but concepts of reality, in which an interpretation reveals itself to be only one of many possibilities. The option of retelling is rarely applicable to these forms of expression, and identifying the recognizable usually does not get one very far either. The viewer is forced to think about himself and his own experiences; only then does the pleasure of viewing emerge, albeit without any guarantee that the enigma will be completely revealed.
In one way or another, within the vortex of media conversion, whether as producers or as consumers, we are guinea pigs or beta testers of a process that is already underway. Unfortunately, in this situation contemporary art is often left holding the bag. While information technologies are generously subsidized and software engineers provide aesthetic guidelines to go along with their products, so to speak, there are no provisions for exploring the basics of medial experience, artistic creation and mediation. The artists whose work, whose contribution to the enrichment of our aesthetic and reflective experience and thought is supposed to be at stake are often degraded to producers of the environments or trends of the minute.
Today we are standing at the edge of the “worm hole”, the black hole which sucks up all the energy there is, stirring it up and rearranging it. Beyond the event horizon (the astronomical term for the boundary of the dimensions), an accepted category may turn out to be merely one among many possible ones which all have meaning and validity. Nam June Paikʼs prophetic aphorism from the year1970 would be one such possibility: “The next is the direct connection of electrodes and braincells, which will lead to electronic Zen”. And this takes us to the dream which can take on whatever personal note is desired with the aid of technology.
The only question left is, who will provide the software?
This software will come from the wealth that transcends money. That is this cityʼs capital!"
(Heiko Daxl, 2006, Translation by Isabel Cole)
Participating Artists: Johannes Albers, Jovan Balov, Sandra Becker 01, Ivona Borkowska, Noam Braslavsky, Niina Braun, Ulu Braun, Daniela Butsch, Barbara Caveng, Constantino Ciervo, Gerard Couty, Heiko Daxl, Maciej Dyczkowski, Hanna Frenzel, Ingeborg Fülepp, Monika Funke, Archi Galentz, Walter Gramming, GUP-py, Heike Hamann, Gusztav Hamos, Sibylle Hoessler, Joanna Hoffmann, Knut Hoffmeister, Dirk Holzberg, Wolfgang Höntzke, Maru Ituarte, Christoph Janetzko, Franz John, Timo Kahlen, Kain Karawahn, Lila Karbowska, Peter Kees, Susanne Kienbaum, Marko Kosnik, Betina Kuntzsch, Ilka Lauchstädt, Angela Lubic, Antal Lux, Tatjana Marusic, Otto Mecky, Bettina Munk, Mona Mur, Sven Holly Nullmeyer, Rotraut Pape, Günther Petzold, Danielle de Picciotto, Renata Poljak, Katja Pratscke, Rivka Rinn, Claudia Risch, Don Ritter, Ilse Ruppert, Andreas Sachsenmaier , Jana Seehusen, Mariko Sakamoto, Vadim Schaeffler, Daniela Schiffer, Lisa Schmitz, Ira Schneider, I. Wiga Schrammps Junior, Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag, Markus Soukup, Wolfgang Spahn, Maren Strack, Michaela Strumberger, Waltraut Tänzler, Signe Theill, Tobias Trutwin, Ushi f, Maria Vedder, Mario Verandi, Rotraud von der Heide, Till Nikolaus von Heiseler, Marlies von Soden ,Ute Weiss-Leder, Chris Ziegler, Tina Zimmermann.
strictly berlin 2007
Participating Artists: Rike Anders, Ingrun Aran, Jovan Balov, Sandra Becker 01, Ana Bilankov, Iwona Borkowska, Noam Braslavsky, Ulu Braun, Michael Brynntrup, Daniela Butsch, Paulo C. Chagas, Genia Chef, Costantino Ciervo, Heiko Daxl, Christian de Lutz, Stefan Demming, Roland Eckelt, Annette Erlenwein, Matthias Fitz, Hanna Frenzel, Ingeborg Fülepp, Monika Funke-Kadyrov, Archi Galentz, Mindaugas Gapsevicius, Moritz Gramming, Margita Haberland, Heike Hamman, Simone Häckel, Gavin Hodge, Sibylle Hoessler, Joanna Hoffmann, Gillian Holt, Dirk Holzberg, Frank Hülsboemer, Elvira Hufschmid, Elena Ilina, Maru Ituarte, Timo Kahlen, Kain Karawahn, Peter Kees, Susanne Kienbaum, Claudia Michaela Kochsmeier, Uta Kohrs, "lu biks" (Betina Kuntzsch, Karina Pospiech, Sabine Wild), Ilka Lauchstädt, Niina Lehtonen-Braun, Monika Lilleike, Angela Lubic, Antal Lux, Volker März, Nicolas Manenti, Tatjana Marusic, Dieter Moebius, Bettina Munk, Sven Holly Nullmeyer, Andrew Pekler, Günther Petzold, Claudius Pratsch, Don Ritter, Hans-Joachim Roedelius, Tarik Schirmer, Lisa Schmitz, Ira Schneider, Konstantin Schneider, I. Viga Schrammps jr., Uli M Schüppel, Roland Seidel, Jan-Peter E. R. Sonntag, Henry Stag, Markus Soukup, Wolfgang Spahn, Christian Stähler, "Staubgold", Maren Strack http://vimeo.com/4303235, Ute Ströer, Michaela Strumberger, Karen Stuke, Waltraut Tänzler, Yukihiro Taguchi, Signe Theill, Tobias Trutwin, Mario Verandi, Lucyna Viale, Sybille Waldhausen, Ute Weiss Leder, "Welt am Draht" "Thorsten Bloedhorn, Thomas Gerwin, Claudia Risch), Veronika Witte, Andre Werner, Britta Wolf, Tina Zimmermann. strictly berlin 2008
Participating Artists: Ingrun Aran, Georgi Begun, Heiko Daxl, Hanna Frenzel, Ingeborg Fülepp, Thomas Gerwin, Sibylle Hoessler, Dirk Holzberg, Franz John, Timo Kahlen, Peter Kees, Susanne Kienbaum, Antal Lux, Nika Radic, Marek Schovánek, Wolfgang Spahn, Signe Theill, Goran Tomcic, Tobias Trutwin, Britta Wolf strictly berlin 2009
Heiko Daxl
Heiko Daxl is a German media artist, exhibition curator and design / art collector. He lives and works in Berlin and Zagreb.- Life :...
and Ingeborg Fülepp
Ingeborg Fülepp
Ingeborg Fülepp, born in is a Croatian artist, university teacher, curator and film editor.- Life :She studied film editing and film analysis at the Academy for Theatre, Film and Television at the University of Zagreb and later education, video and interactive media with Carol Chomsky, and Howard...
in co-operation with Noam Braslavsky
Noam Braslavsky
Noam Braslavsky is an Israeli artist and curator. Braslavsky lives and works in Berlin.-Life:In the early 1980s Braslavsky studied at the Bezalel Art Academy in Jerusalem, subsequently studying at the Beit Zvi Film Academy in Ramat Gan and completing his Master of Fine Arts at the Multimedia...
in the Galerie der Künste (GdK) in Berlin
Berlin is the capital city of Germany and is one of the 16 states of Germany. With a population of 3.45 million people, Berlin is Germany's largest city. It is the second most populous city proper and the seventh most populous urban area in the European Union...
These exhibitions bring together a multiplicity of parallel approaches, which express themselves in different styles. In Berlin a formulation of similar concerns is obvious in all rangesof art as the music, the visual art, film, theatre or performance. Artists not only from Germany, but from many countries have, at least occasionally, in Berlin a homeland. The aim of Strictly Berlin is, to offer those art-works a forum. This concept is so well or as bad as any other. It concerns not illustrating dreams of curators, but the confidence that artists are united because of something larger one than their differences.„Their goal is not the illusory reproduction of reality, but rather to free the depicted reality from its usual temporal and semantic contexts and to give meaning in new combinations. Not the copy of reality, but terms the reality, where one interpretation is only one possibility under many. The possibility of retelling is rarely applicable to these forms of expressions and with the denomination of recognizing does not get one very far either. The viewer must think about himself and his own experiences, only then does the pleasure of viewings emerge, albeit without any warranty to reveal the enigma completely.“ (Heiko Daxl)
Strictly Berlin takes place annually in Berlin.
- MEDIA ART FROM THE EARLY YEARS OF THE THIRD MILLENIUMParticipating Artists: Anna Anders, Dietmar Arnold, Jovan Balov, Sandra Becker, Ana Bilankov, Noam Braslavsky, Michael Brynntrup, Daniela Butsch, Genia Chef, Heiko Daxl, Claus Feldmann, Hanna Frenzel, Ingeborg Fülepp, Steven Gagnon, Archi Galentz, Monika Funke, Margita Haberland, Gab Heller, Sanja Ivekovic, Franz John, Kain Karawahn, Susanne Kienbaum, Betina Kuntzsch, Ilka Lauchstädt, Walter Lenertz, Antal Lux, Benoit Maubrey, Bettina Munk, Mona Mur, Sven Holly Nullmeyer, Günther Petzold, Claudius Pratsch, Klaus Riech, Susken Rosenthal, Ilse Ruppert, Mariko Sakamoto, Joachim Seinfeld, Lisa Schmitz, Ira Schneider, Jan-Peter E. R. Sonntag, Thorsten Streichardt, Signe Theill, Clea T. Waite, Eku Wand, Ute Weiss-Leder, André Werner.
strictly berlin 2006
""Our best ideas are often those that bridge between different worlds." (Marvin Minsky)
‘’We have still in, which few suit-case in Berlin must therefore we naechstens again. Cubes Seeligkeiten of past times are everything still our inside small suit-cases in it. We have still in, which remains few suit-case in Berlin cube also there and that, hat sense its. On this way are worthwhile themselves cubes journey have if we longing, then we drive again. Beautifully ist's in Paris on hums to avenue. Beautiful it is to be gone in May in the ROM through cube city. Or one sommernacht still with the wine in Vienna. But we think, even if you heut still another Berlin laugh. We have still in, which few suit-case in Berlin must therefore we naechstens again. Cubes Seeligkeiten of past times are everything still our inside small suit-cases in it. We have still in, which remains few suit-case in Berlin cube also there and that, hat sense its. On this way are worthwhile themselves cubes journey have if we longing, then we drive again. Because we have still another few suit-case in Berlin.‘’
(Modification of the originals by the Three Travellers und Bully Buhlan, interpreted Marlene Dietrich, translated 3 times German/English by Altavistas Babelfish)
This concept is as good or as bad as any other. But it follows the maxims of certain validities established in the realm of history. Without getting tedious, letʼs start from the very beginning: As Aristotle said, when people wondered about things, they did so for the sake of knowledge, not utility.
That is not what curators dream of; rather, it is the belief that the future is the only goal; it is the confidence that we have been brought together for the sake of something larger than our differences: vita brevis, ars longae. It is the acknowledgement of a wealth that exists only because we are different. Let us play, but not because we want to win; rather, because we want to experience, enjoy, feel, learn and know.
This exhibition brings together a plethora of parallel approaches that take different expressive forms. In Berlin a formulation of similar concerns can be seen to pervade all spheres of art, be it music, the visual arts, film, theater or performance. Artists from many countries, not just from Germany, have made Berlin their home, at least for a time. Their goal is not the apparent reproduction of reality, but rather to liberate the depicted reality from its usual temporal and semantic contexts and to give it meaning in new combinations. Not the copy of reality, but concepts of reality, in which an interpretation reveals itself to be only one of many possibilities. The option of retelling is rarely applicable to these forms of expression, and identifying the recognizable usually does not get one very far either. The viewer is forced to think about himself and his own experiences; only then does the pleasure of viewing emerge, albeit without any guarantee that the enigma will be completely revealed.
In one way or another, within the vortex of media conversion, whether as producers or as consumers, we are guinea pigs or beta testers of a process that is already underway. Unfortunately, in this situation contemporary art is often left holding the bag. While information technologies are generously subsidized and software engineers provide aesthetic guidelines to go along with their products, so to speak, there are no provisions for exploring the basics of medial experience, artistic creation and mediation. The artists whose work, whose contribution to the enrichment of our aesthetic and reflective experience and thought is supposed to be at stake are often degraded to producers of the environments or trends of the minute.
Today we are standing at the edge of the “worm hole”, the black hole which sucks up all the energy there is, stirring it up and rearranging it. Beyond the event horizon (the astronomical term for the boundary of the dimensions), an accepted category may turn out to be merely one among many possible ones which all have meaning and validity. Nam June Paikʼs prophetic aphorism from the year1970 would be one such possibility: “The next is the direct connection of electrodes and braincells, which will lead to electronic Zen”. And this takes us to the dream which can take on whatever personal note is desired with the aid of technology.
The only question left is, who will provide the software?
This software will come from the wealth that transcends money. That is this cityʼs capital!"
(Heiko Daxl, 2006, Translation by Isabel Cole)
- TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITYParticipating Artists: Johannes Albers, Jovan Balov, Sandra Becker 01, Ivona Borkowska, Noam Braslavsky, Niina Braun, Ulu Braun, Daniela Butsch, Barbara Caveng, Constantino Ciervo, Gerard Couty, Heiko Daxl, Maciej Dyczkowski, Hanna Frenzel, Ingeborg Fülepp, Monika Funke, Archi Galentz, Walter Gramming, GUP-py, Heike Hamann, Gusztav Hamos, Sibylle Hoessler, Joanna Hoffmann, Knut Hoffmeister, Dirk Holzberg, Wolfgang Höntzke, Maru Ituarte, Christoph Janetzko, Franz John, Timo Kahlen, Kain Karawahn, Lila Karbowska, Peter Kees, Susanne Kienbaum, Marko Kosnik, Betina Kuntzsch, Ilka Lauchstädt, Angela Lubic, Antal Lux, Tatjana Marusic, Otto Mecky, Bettina Munk, Mona Mur, Sven Holly Nullmeyer, Rotraut Pape, Günther Petzold, Danielle de Picciotto, Renata Poljak, Katja Pratscke, Rivka Rinn, Claudia Risch, Don Ritter, Ilse Ruppert, Andreas Sachsenmaier , Jana Seehusen, Mariko Sakamoto, Vadim Schaeffler, Daniela Schiffer, Lisa Schmitz, Ira Schneider, I. Wiga Schrammps Junior, Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag, Markus Soukup, Wolfgang Spahn, Maren Strack, Michaela Strumberger, Waltraut Tänzler, Signe Theill, Tobias Trutwin, Ushi f, Maria Vedder, Mario Verandi, Rotraud von der Heide, Till Nikolaus von Heiseler, Marlies von Soden ,Ute Weiss-Leder, Chris Ziegler, Tina Zimmermann.
strictly berlin 2007
- BETWEEN FICTION AND FACTParticipating Artists: Rike Anders, Ingrun Aran, Jovan Balov, Sandra Becker 01, Ana Bilankov, Iwona Borkowska, Noam Braslavsky, Ulu Braun, Michael Brynntrup, Daniela Butsch, Paulo C. Chagas, Genia Chef, Costantino Ciervo, Heiko Daxl, Christian de Lutz, Stefan Demming, Roland Eckelt, Annette Erlenwein, Matthias Fitz, Hanna Frenzel, Ingeborg Fülepp, Monika Funke-Kadyrov, Archi Galentz, Mindaugas Gapsevicius, Moritz Gramming, Margita Haberland, Heike Hamman, Simone Häckel, Gavin Hodge, Sibylle Hoessler, Joanna Hoffmann, Gillian Holt, Dirk Holzberg, Frank Hülsboemer, Elvira Hufschmid, Elena Ilina, Maru Ituarte, Timo Kahlen, Kain Karawahn, Peter Kees, Susanne Kienbaum, Claudia Michaela Kochsmeier, Uta Kohrs, "lu biks" (Betina Kuntzsch, Karina Pospiech, Sabine Wild), Ilka Lauchstädt, Niina Lehtonen-Braun, Monika Lilleike, Angela Lubic, Antal Lux, Volker März, Nicolas Manenti, Tatjana Marusic, Dieter Moebius, Bettina Munk, Sven Holly Nullmeyer, Andrew Pekler, Günther Petzold, Claudius Pratsch, Don Ritter, Hans-Joachim Roedelius, Tarik Schirmer, Lisa Schmitz, Ira Schneider, Konstantin Schneider, I. Viga Schrammps jr., Uli M Schüppel, Roland Seidel, Jan-Peter E. R. Sonntag, Henry Stag, Markus Soukup, Wolfgang Spahn, Christian Stähler, "Staubgold", Maren Strack http://vimeo.com/4303235, Ute Ströer, Michaela Strumberger, Karen Stuke, Waltraut Tänzler, Yukihiro Taguchi, Signe Theill, Tobias Trutwin, Mario Verandi, Lucyna Viale, Sybille Waldhausen, Ute Weiss Leder, "Welt am Draht" "Thorsten Bloedhorn, Thomas Gerwin, Claudia Risch), Veronika Witte, Andre Werner, Britta Wolf, Tina Zimmermann. strictly berlin 2008
- SOS - STRATEGIES OF SURVIVALParticipating Artists: Ingrun Aran, Georgi Begun, Heiko Daxl, Hanna Frenzel, Ingeborg Fülepp, Thomas Gerwin, Sibylle Hoessler, Dirk Holzberg, Franz John, Timo Kahlen, Peter Kees, Susanne Kienbaum, Antal Lux, Nika Radic, Marek Schovánek, Wolfgang Spahn, Signe Theill, Goran Tomcic, Tobias Trutwin, Britta Wolf strictly berlin 2009
External links
- german version of this article
- strictly berlin
- Videochannel Strictly Berlin
- Participants 2006
- Participants 2007
- Galerie der Künste (GdK)