Stone Pilot
A Stone Pilot is a fictional occupation aboard a Sky Ship
Sky Ship
Sky Ships are fictional flying ships from Paul Stewart's fantasy book series The Edge Chronicles. Sky ships are the equivalent of water borne ships in the Edge universe and are used primarily for transporting supplies and valuable commodities across the Edge.-Description:Sky ships resemble 15-18th...

 from Paul Stewart
Paul Stewart (writer)
Paul Stewart is a writer of children's books, best known for the bestselling The Edge Chronicles, the Free Lance novels and the Far Flung Adventures series which are written in collaboration with the illustrator Chris Riddell...

's childs fantasy novel
A novel is a book of long narrative in literary prose. The genre has historical roots both in the fields of the medieval and early modern romance and in the tradition of the novella. The latter supplied the present generic term in the late 18th century....

 series The Edge Chronicles
The Edge Chronicles
The Edge Chronicles is a young-adult fantasy novel series by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell. It consists of three trilogies, plus three additional books, and others . Originally published in the United Kingdom, this series has since been published in the United States, Canada and Australia. To...



A Stone Pilot's job is to control the temperature of a Sky ships buoyant flight rock which itself determines the altitude of the sky ship. The Stone Pilot stands above the flight rock on a platform where he/ she heats and cools the rock using various instruments. Due to the heat generated by the flames used to heat the flight rock, a protective uniform (such as heatproof overalls with a hood and gauntlets) is worn by the Stone Pilot.

Notable Stone Pilots

  • Ramrock (of The Galerider
    The Galerider
    The Galerider is a Fictional Sky Ship from Paul Stewart's The Edge Chronicles.Featuring in The Quint Saga, The Galerider is a Sky Pirate ship that saw at least four captains before its destruction in Clash of the Sky Galleons. It was present in the important battles of the time, including the...

  • Maugin "The Stone Pilot"
    The Stone Pilot (character)
    The Stone Pilot, Maugin, is a fictional termagant trog from The Edge Chronicles books by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell.- Character :Maugin is a reserved character; throughout the books she speaks very little, and has a shy personality. She is fiercely loyal to her captains and her crew...

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