Stockholm Partnerships for Sustainable Cities
Stockholm Partnerships for Sustainable Cities is an organization which gathers and disseminates information and technology developed through innovative urban sustainability
Sustainability is the capacity to endure. For humans, sustainability is the long-term maintenance of well being, which has environmental, economic, and social dimensions, and encompasses the concept of union, an interdependent relationship and mutual responsible position with all living and non...

projects around the world. The organization attempts to help representatives of national and local governments, industry, non-governmental organisations, academia, media, finance institutions, international organisations, etc. to share their knowledge and experience in applied technology and management. The driving principle of the Stockholm Partnerships is the idea that many solutions to common urban problems already exist.

Stockholm Partnerships for Sustainable Cities focuses on the respective roles of industry, local government and communities in sustainable urban development, and how these roles evolve and influence each other. The organization aims at bringing together stakeholders from each of these parties from all over the world.

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