Stinear Nunataks
Stinear Nunataks is a group of dark brown nunatak
A nunatak is an exposed, often rocky element of a ridge, mountain, or peak not covered with ice or snow within an ice field or glacier. The term is typically used in areas where a permanent ice sheet is present...

s about 16 nautical miles (30 km) north of Anare Nunataks
Anare Nunataks
The Anare Nunataks are a group of mainly snow-covered ridges with exposed rock summits rising to , standing south of Stinear Nunataks in Mac. Robertson Land. First visited in November 1955 by an Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions party led by John Béchervaise, the name is taken...

 in Mac. Robertson Land
Mac. Robertson Land
Mac. Robertson Land is the portion of Antarctica lying southward of the coast between William Scoresby Bay and Cape Darnley. Mac. Robertson Land is located at . In the east, Mac. Robertson Land includes the Prince Charles Mountains. Mac...

. Visited by an ANARE (Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions
Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions
The Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions is the historical name for the Australian Antarctic Program administered for Australia by the Australian Antarctic Division .-The ANARE Name:...

) southern party (1954) led by R.G. Dovers. He named the group for B.H. Stinear, geologist at Mawson Station
Mawson Station
Mawson Station is one of three permanent Australian bases in the Australian Antarctic Territory of East Antarctica. Named after Antarctic explorer Sir Douglas Mawson, the base is managed by the Australian Antarctic Division...

in 1954.
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