Stereoscopic Displays and Applications
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications (SD&A) is the pre-eminent academic technical conference in the field of stereoscopic 3D imaging. It is an annual conference that specialises in all forms of stereoscopic imaging, including stereoscopic 3D display hardware, stereoscopic 3D image capture, stereoscopic 3D image storage and processing, and also applications of these technologies. Although the name of the conference suggests that it concerns only two-view 3D images, the conference includes significant coverage of multi-view autostereoscopic displays and volumetric 3D displays. The conference is held as part of the annual Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology Symposium organised by the two technical imaging societies IS&T and SPIE.


SD&A is an academic technical conference dedicated to stereoscopic imaging topics. Its backbone is the technical presentations, which are all accompanied by a technical paper published in the conference proceedings by SPIE Press (in cooperation with IS&T). Alongside the technical sessions, the conference has its own keynote, a popular demonstration session (where 20-30 stereoscopic displays can be seen in one place at one time), the 3D theater (where the latest stereoscopic content is shown) and a discussion forum.

In January 2009, SD&A celebrated its 20th Anniversary.


The technical proceedings are published by SPIE press. Over 1100 technical papers have been published over the history of the SD&A conference. The full list of conference proceedings, including a compilation DVD-ROM (1990-2009), is here.

The DVD-ROM compilation "Stereoscopic Displays and Applications 1990-2009: A Complete 20-Year Retrospective - and The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality 1994-2009 (CDP51)" released in 2010 represents a highly significant technical knowledge base containing the complete technical record of the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference (1990-2009), The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality conference (1994-2009), and papers from a selection of ten other 3D related SPIE conferences (1977-1989) predating SD&A.
The disc contains 1260 individual technical papers – 816 from the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference, 223 from The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality conference, and 221 papers from the SPIE 3D conferences prior to SD&A.

Videos of some of the presentations at the conference are also available online: SD&A 2008 and SD&A 2011.

Past Keynote Presenters

Over the years the SD&A conference has hosted an impressive lineup of keynote presenters. These sessions allow a leading light to focus and reflect on a particular area of stereoscopic imaging.
Year Keynote Presenter Title
1996 Ray Zone, The 3D Zone The Deep Image: 3D in Art and Science
1997 Peter Anderson, Consultant (3D cinematographer) Large-format 3D Film in Special Venues
1998 Peter Smith
Peter Smith (scientist)
Peter H. Smith is a Senior Research Scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory of the University of Arizona, where he holds the inaugural Thomas R. Brown Distinguished Chair in Integrative Science...

, University of Arizona
Imager for Mars Pathfinder Experiment (IMP): A Multispectral Stereo Imaging System
1999 Sean MacLeod Philips, MacLeod Productions 3D Large Format Film Production
2000 Chris Condon
Chris Condon
Chris J. Condon was the inventor of 3D lens used by his company StereoVision, a cinematographer, and founder of Sierra Pacific Airlines.He was born in North Chicago, Illinois...

, StereoVision International
Current Status of Large Screen Stereoscopic Cinema Systems
2001 Jeff Kleiser, Kleiser Walczak Construction Company Stereoscopic Computer Animation for Location-Based Entertainment
2002 Vince Pace, Pace Technologies Titanic in 3D HDTV
2003 Emeritus Professor Ian Howard, Centre for Vision Research, York University Understanding stereoscopic vision
2004 Dave Cook, NVIDIA Corporation Stereoscopic Gaming: Technology and Applications
2005 Steve Schklair, Cobalt Entertainment Digital Technology and the Resurgence of Commercial Stereoscopic Entertainment
2006 Hugh Murray, IMAX Corporation 3D Animation in Three Dimensions - The Rocky Road to the Obvious
2007 James Fergason
James Fergason
James L. Fergason was an inventor of an improved Liquid Crystal Display, or LCD.Fergason graduated from Carrollton High School in Carrollton, Missouri...

, Fergason Patent Properties
A Look at the Past and Future of Stereoscopic Displays Through a ‘(Liquid) Crystal Ball’
2008 Larry J. Hornbeck, Texas Instruments Stereoscopic and Volumetric 3D Displays Based on DLP Technology
2009 Lenny Lipton
Lenny Lipton
Leonard "Lenny" Lipton is a well known author, filmmaker and stereoscopic vision system inventor.Lipton wrote the lyrics to the song Puff the Magic Dragon as a 19-year-old at Cornell University. He graduated from Cornell University where he majored in physics. The song was a hit in 1963 for Peter...

, REAL D Corporation
Archimedes’ Tub
2010 Bob Whitehill, PIXAR Animation Studios Three-Dimensional Storytelling
2011 Michael G Robinson, RealD The Current Status of Stereoscopic 3D
2011 Ramesh Raskar, MIT Media Lab Content-Adaptive Parallax Barriers and Six-Dimensional Displays: new ideas from MIT Media Lab


SD&A was founded in 1990 by John O. Merritt
John O. Merritt
John O. Merritt is an expert in the applications of stereoscopic 3D displays and remote-presence systems.He has co-chaired the annual SPIE/IS&T Conference on Stereoscopic Displays and Applications since co-founding it in 1990...

 and Scott Fisher
Scott Fisher (technologist)
Scott Fisher is Professor and Chair of the Interactive Media Division in the USC School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California, and a Fellow of the Annenberg Center for Communication there...

, and has been held annually since. Holography pioneer Stephen Benton
Stephen Benton
Stephen A. Benton was a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor and the inventor of the rainbow hologram and a pioneer in medical imaging and fine arts holography.- Biography :...

 was also an SD&A conference chair from 2000 until his death in 2003. The conference committee and conference chairs are summarised here.
Year Conference (Name and Number) Location Proc. SPIE Vol. Published in Volume (name) SD&A Conference Chairs
1990 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications Santa Clara 1256 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications John O. Merritt, Scott S. Fisher
1991 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications II San Jose 1457 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications II John O. Merritt, Scott S. Fisher
1992 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications III San Jose 1669 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications III John O. Merritt, Scott S. Fisher
1993 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications IV San Jose 1915 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications IV John O. Merritt, Scott S. Fisher
1994 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications V San Jose 2177 Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems Scott S. Fisher, John O. Merritt
1995 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications VI San Jose 2409 Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems II Scott S. Fisher, John O. Merritt
1996 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications VII San Jose 2653 Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems III Scott S. Fisher, John O. Merritt
1997 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications VIII San Jose 3012 Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IV Scott S. Fisher, John O. Merritt
1998 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications IX San Jose 3295 Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems V Scott S. Fisher, John O. Merritt
1999 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications X San Jose 3639 Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems VI John O. Merritt, Scott S. Fisher
2000 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XI San Jose 3957 Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems VII John O. Merritt, Stephen A. Benton, Andrew J. Woods
2001 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XII San Jose 4297 Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems VIII Andrew J. Woods, John O. Merritt, Stephen A. Benton
2002 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XIII San Jose 4660 Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IX Andrew J. Woods, John O. Merritt, Stephen A. Benton
2003 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XIV Santa Clara 5006 Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems X Andrew J. Woods, John O. Merritt, Stephen A. Benton
2004 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XV San Jose 5291 Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XI Andrew J. Woods, John O. Merritt, Stephen A. Benton
2005 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XVI San Jose 5664 Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XII Andrew J. Woods, John O. Merritt
2006 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XVII San Jose 6055 Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XIII Andrew J. Woods, Neil A. Dodgson, John O. Merritt
2007 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XVIII San Jose 6490 Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XIV Andrew J. Woods, Neil A. Dodgson, John O. Merritt
2008 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XIX San Jose 6803 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XIX Andrew J. Woods, Nick S. Holliman, John O. Merritt
2009 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XX San Jose 7237 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XX Andrew J. Woods, Nick S. Holliman, John O. Merritt
2010 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXI San Jose 7524 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXI Andrew J. Woods, Nick S. Holliman, Neil A. Dodgson
2011 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXII south San Francisco 7863 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXII Andrew J. Woods, Nick S. Holliman, Neil A. Dodgson
2012 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIII south San Francisco 8288 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIII Andrew J. Woods, Nick S. Holliman, Gregg Favalora

From 1990 to 1993, papers from the SD&A conference were published in its own self-titled proceedings volume. From 1994, the papers from the SD&A conference were co-published with papers from The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality conference (which was co-located with SD&A) in a volume series titled Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems. From 2008, SD&A went back to the publication of papers in its own self-titled proceedings volume.

Of course, stereoscopic 3D imaging was also a major topic of discussion at SPIE conferences before the first Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference:
  • SPIE Vol. 120, Three-Dimensional Imaging, S. A. Benton, Editor, 25-26 Aug. 1977, San Diego, Calif.
  • SPIE Vol. 212, Optics and Photonics Applied to Three-Dimensional Imagery, M. H. Grosmann and P. Meyrueis, Editors, 26-30 Nov. 1979, Strasbourg, France
  • SPIE Vol. 367, Processing and Display of Three-Dimensional Data, J. J. Pearson, Editor, 26-27 Aug. 1982, San Diego, Calif.
  • SPIE Vol. 402, Three-Dimensional Imaging, J. P. Ebbeni and A. Monfils, Editors, 21-22 Apr. 1983, Geneva, Switzerland
  • SPIE Vol. 507, Processing and Display of Three-Dimensional Data II, J. J. Pearson, Editor, 23-24 Aug. 1984, San Diego, Calif.
  • SPIE Vol. 761, True Three-Dimensional Imaging Techniques and Display Technologies, D. F. McAllister and W. E. Robbins, Editors, 15-16 Jan. 1987, Los Angeles, Calif.
  • SPIE Vol. 902, Three-Dimensional Imaging and Remote Sensing Imaging, W. E. Robbins, Editor, 14-15 Jan. 1988, Los Angeles, Calif.
  • SPIE Vol. 1083, Three-Dimensional Visualization and Display Technologies, S. S. Fisher and W. E. Robbins, Editors, 18-20 Jan. 1989, Los Angeles, Calif.

External links

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