Stargate: Resistance
Stargate: Resistance is an online, third-person shooter owned and operated by Dark Comet Games, powered by the Unreal 3 engine, and based on the television series Stargate SG-1
Stargate SG-1
Stargate SG-1 is a Canadian-American adventure and military science fiction television series and part of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Stargate franchise. The show, created by Brad Wright and Jonathan Glassner, is based on the 1994 feature film Stargate by Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich...

. It was originally released in 2010 by Firesky and Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment, however Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment has been in receivership since March 2010 and Firesky entered into an agreement with Dark Comet Games for the maintenance, operation and development of Stargate Resistance . New downloadable content
Downloadable content
Downloadable content is official additional content for a video game distributed through the Internet. Downloadable content can be of several types, ranging from a single in-game outfit to an entirely new, extensive storyline, similarly to an expansion pack. As such, DLC may add new game modes,...

 has been released for the game several times since launch and continues to be released. Once the game has been purchased there are no further fees required to play such as a monthly subscription fee. Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment has announced the game is no longer for sale and the servers were shut down on January 15, 2011.


Stargate Resistance is set in the second decade of the Stargate Program, after the end of Stargate SG-1
Stargate SG-1
Stargate SG-1 is a Canadian-American adventure and military science fiction television series and part of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Stargate franchise. The show, created by Brad Wright and Jonathan Glassner, is based on the 1994 feature film Stargate by Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich...

. Samantha Carter has been promoted to General according to an easter egg on the SGC level and is in charge of the Stargate program. Over the last decade, the SGC has spread Earth
Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and the densest and fifth-largest of the eight planets in the Solar System. It is also the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets...

's influence throughout the galaxy
A galaxy is a massive, gravitationally bound system that consists of stars and stellar remnants, an interstellar medium of gas and dust, and an important but poorly understood component tentatively dubbed dark matter. The word galaxy is derived from the Greek galaxias , literally "milky", a...

, freeing enslaved peoples and developing a free Galactic culture of human
Humans are the only living species in the Homo genus...

ity once enslaved by the System Lords. But the System Lords do not accept this change in the status quo. Intent on regaining what they once held, the new System Lords are beginning an organized assault on key locations throughout the galaxy. Their goals are to drive out the SGC and re-enslave these "lost" populations.

The System Lords will not stop at conquering a handful of worlds. As their dominion increases they will push resistance all the way back to Earth, and enslave all of humanity. The SGC must defend each of these worlds, engaging the System Lords with carefully placed strike teams in order to preserve the peace.


Stargate Resistance lets players take on the role of Stargate Command
Stargate Command
The Stargate Program is a fictional top-secret program that plays a key role in the Stargate franchise: it surrounds the operations of the Stargate on Earth. The core of the Stargate Program is Stargate Command , based at the Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station near Colorado Springs, Colorado...

 or the Goa'uld
The Goa'uld are a fictional symbiotic race of ancient astronauts from the American-Canadian military science fiction television franchise Stargate. The Goa'uld are parasites from the planet P3X-888, integrated within a host, most of the time human. The resulting creatures are a powerful race bent...

 System Lords, with the fate of the galaxy
A galaxy is a massive, gravitationally bound system that consists of stars and stellar remnants, an interstellar medium of gas and dust, and an important but poorly understood component tentatively dubbed dark matter. The word galaxy is derived from the Greek galaxias , literally "milky", a...

 in the balance.

Each of these two factions have three character classes: Soldiers, Commandos, and Scientists on the SGC
Stargate Command
The Stargate Program is a fictional top-secret program that plays a key role in the Stargate franchise: it surrounds the operations of the Stargate on Earth. The core of the Stargate Program is Stargate Command , based at the Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station near Colorado Springs, Colorado...

 side, and Goa'uld
The Goa'uld are a fictional symbiotic race of ancient astronauts from the American-Canadian military science fiction television franchise Stargate. The Goa'uld are parasites from the planet P3X-888, integrated within a host, most of the time human. The resulting creatures are a powerful race bent...

, Jaffa , and Ashrak assassins on the side of the System Lords. Each class has its own unique blend of weapon
A weapon, arm, or armament is a tool or instrument used with the aim of causing damage or harm to living beings or artificial structures or systems...

s, items, and weaknesses, many of them iconic from the TV show such as the P90
FN P90
The FN P90 is a selective fire personal defense weapon designed and manufactured by FN Herstal in Belgium. The P90's name is taken from 1990, the year it was introduced...

 or Staff Weapon. Players work with teammates in five multiplayer modes (up to 16 players at once): “Team Death Match,” “Capture the Tech,” “Domination,” “Arena” and "King Of The Hill" over four maps, all but one of which has multiple game types available. The Galactic Struggle is represented by Domination Points earned in each match which contribute to buffs for the winning team. Additional game modes and maps , weapons and skins are planned in the future. The game is currently available for the PC only though expansion to a console platform is possible in the future. It will be open to future expansion packs.

"Resistance brings to our fans the kind of gameplay Stargate Worlds
Stargate Worlds
Stargate Worlds was a massively multiplayer online role-playing game video game in-development by Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment in association with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and published by FireSky for Microsoft Windows. The game's setting was mainly borrowed from military science fiction series...

 never planned to deliver,
” said Chris Klug, the game’s creative consultant and the creative director for Stargate Worlds. “Resistance delivers the combat, weapons and tactics seen so often on the show that many of you have been asking for. I know this game will excite fans who have longed to go toe-to-toe with a Jaffa as well as those who always wanted to dominate the galaxy in ways the MMO could only hint at.”

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.