developed by BioWare
and published by LucasArts
. It was released for the Xbox
on July 15, 2003, for Microsoft Windows
on November 19, 2003, and on September 7, 2004 for Mac OS X. The Xbox version is playable on Xbox 360
with its Backward Compatibility feature. The PC version was re-released as part of the Star Wars: The Best of PC
collection in 2006 as a limited release.
The sequel, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords, was developed by Obsidian Entertainment
at BioWare's suggestion as BioWare wanted to focus on their own intellectual properties.
Death is such a small impediment.
The Dark Lord Revan is dead. I am a servant of the light now.
What greater weapon is there than to turn an enemy to your cause- to use their own knowledge against them?
The Jedi do not believe in killing their prisoners. No one deserves execution, no matter what their crimes.
There was something lurking out there, something that devoured Revan and Malak - and many other Jedi.
Malak is dead! All hail the return of Darth Revan, the true Lord of the Sith! [Dark Side ending]Bastila Shan: On which planet were you born?
Revan: Kashyyyk. I'm a Wookiee...can't you tell?
Bastila Shan: What is your background?
Revan: I'm a Hutt in human form planning to overthrow the Republic.
Bastilla Shan: How old are you?