Stanley Chess
Stanley Chess is an American legal commentator and former bar review course executive.

Chess was Editor-in-Chief of the Cornell Daily Sun during the 1968-1969 campus unrest and was a member of the Quill and Dagger
Quill and Dagger
Quill and Dagger is a senior honor society at Cornell University. It is often recognized as one of the most prominent collegiate societies of its type, along with Skull and Bones of Yale University...

 society. Following the takeover of Willard Straight Hall, Chess wrote an influential editorial entitled, "Friday Night - Ugly and Stupid" which called for the equal application of law to both black and white students following an episode where white students "joustled" then President James A. Perkins
James A. Perkins
James A. Perkins was the seventh president of Cornell University. Born in 1911 in Philadelphia, Perkins graduated with high honors in 1934 from Swarthmore College and received a doctorate in political science from Princeton University in 1937...

. He graduated in 1969 and received a law degree in 1972.

Upon graduation, Chess organized courses to assist law students to prepare for bar examinations. He became an executive in Barbri
BarBri is a company in the United States that offers a widely used bar exam preparation course. A majority of American recipients of a Juris Doctor degree attend a six-week BarBri course, which features lectures by law professors on the six major areas covered on the Multistate Bar Examination —...

. After selling his interests, he started a new venture called Legal America, Inc., which operates a number of law-related websites including,,,, and a legal blog called En Passant.

Chess then founded an alumni association for the Cornell Daily Sun, financing $145,000 of the acquisition cost of an office building for that publication.

External links

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