Standing Rules of the United States Senate, Rule XXIV
Rule XXIV of the Standing Rules of the United States Senate
, established by the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration
, governs appointment to standing committees
Standing Rules of the United States Senate
The Standing Rules of the Senate are the rules of order adopted by the United States Senate that govern its procedure. The Senate's power to establish rules derives from Article One, Section 5 of the United States Constitution: "Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings..."There are...
, established by the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration
United States Senate Committee on Rules and Administration
The Senate Committee on Rules and Administration is responsible for the rules of the United States Senate, with administration of congressional buildings, and with credentials and qualifications of members of the Senate, including responsibility for dealing with contested elections.The committee...
, governs appointment to standing committees
United States Congressional committee
A congressional committee is a legislative sub-organization in the United States Congress that handles a specific duty . Committee membership enables members to develop specialized knowledge of the matters under their jurisdiction...
Text of Rule XXIV
Rule XXIV provides that:- In the appointment of the standing committees, or to fill vacancies thereon, the Senate, unless otherwise ordered, shall by resolutionResolution (law)A resolution is a written motion adopted by a deliberative body. The substance of the resolution can be anything that can normally be proposed as a motion. For long or important motions, though, it is often better to have them written out so that discussion is easier or so that it can be...
appoint the chairman of each such committee and the other members thereof. On demand of any Senator, a separate vote shall be had on the appointment of the chairman of any such committee and on the appointment of the other members thereof. Each such resolution shall be subject to amendmentAmend (motion)-Explanation and Use:-Main Motions:Any main motion and any motion to amend may be amended. However, a motion to amend a motion to amend may not be amended, due to the overly complex parliamentary situation that would frequently result.-Secondary Motions:...
and to division of the questionDivision of a questionA motion for division of a question, in parliamentary procedure, is used to split a motion into a set of motions.-Explanation and Use:-Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised :...
. - On demand of one-fifth of the Senators present, a quorumQuorumA quorum is the minimum number of members of a deliberative assembly necessary to conduct the business of that group...
being present, any vote taken pursuant to paragraph 1 shall be by ballot. - Except as otherwise provided or unless otherwise ordered, all other committees, and the chairmen thereof, shall be appointed in the same manner as standing committees.
- When a chairman of a committee shall resign or cease to serve on a committee, action by the Senate to fill the vacancy in such committee, unless specially otherwise ordered, shall be only to fill up the number of members of the committee, and the election of a new chairman.