Standing Rules of the United States Senate, Rule IX
Rule IX of the Standing Rules of the United States Senate
Standing Rules of the United States Senate
The Standing Rules of the Senate are the rules of order adopted by the United States Senate that govern its procedure. The Senate's power to establish rules derives from Article One, Section 5 of the United States Constitution: "Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings..."There are...

, established by the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration
United States Senate Committee on Rules and Administration
The Senate Committee on Rules and Administration is responsible for the rules of the United States Senate, with administration of congressional buildings, and with credentials and qualifications of members of the Senate, including responsibility for dealing with contested elections.The committee...

, governs messages from the President
President of the United States
The President of the United States of America is the head of state and head of government of the United States. The president leads the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces....

 or House of Representatives
United States House of Representatives
The United States House of Representatives is one of the two Houses of the United States Congress, the bicameral legislature which also includes the Senate.The composition and powers of the House are established in Article One of the Constitution...

 to the Senate
United States Senate
The United States Senate is the upper house of the bicameral legislature of the United States, and together with the United States House of Representatives comprises the United States Congress. The composition and powers of the Senate are established in Article One of the U.S. Constitution. Each...


Incoming messages

Paragraph 1 states messages from the President or from the House of Representatives may be received at any stage of proceedings. The exception is while the Senate is (1) voting or determining the presence of a quorum
A quorum is the minimum number of members of a deliberative assembly necessary to conduct the business of that group...

, (2) while the Senate Journal
United States Senate Journal
The United States Senate Journal is a written record of proceedings within the United States Senate in accordance with Article I, Section 5 of the U.S. Constitution....

 is being read, (3) while a question of order or a motion to adjourn is pending.

Outgoing messages

Paragraph 2 states messages to the House of Representatives shall be sent by the Secretary of the United States Senate
Secretary of the United States Senate
The Secretary of the Senate is an elected officer of the United States Senate. The Secretary supervises an extensive array of offices and services to expedite the day-to-day operations of that body...

. The Secretary shall previously certify the determination of the Senate upon all bill
Bill (proposed law)
A bill is a proposed law under consideration by a legislature. A bill does not become law until it is passed by the legislature and, in most cases, approved by the executive. Once a bill has been enacted into law, it is called an act or a statute....

, Joint resolution
Joint resolution
In the United States Congress, a joint resolution is a legislative measure that requires approval by the Senate and the House and is presented to the President for his/her approval or disapproval, in exactly the same case as a bill....

s, and other resolutions which may be communicated to the House, or in which its concurrence may be requested. The Secretary shall also certify and deliver to the President of the United States all resolutions and other communications which may be directed to him or her by the Senate.
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