Staged combustion
Staged combustion is a method for reducing nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions from combustion
. There are two methods:
Combustion or burning is the sequence of exothermic chemical reactions between a fuel and an oxidant accompanied by the production of heat and conversion of chemical species. The release of heat can result in the production of light in the form of either glowing or a flame...
. There are two methods:
- Air staged supply
- Fuel staged supply
Air staged supply
Characteristics:- NOX reduction rate from 50-75% is possible.
- Spatial separation of primary and secondary air.
- Control of combustion performance with primary air.
- Secondary air supply for burnout.
- Simple configuration.
- Application at small scale combustions.
Fuel staged supply
Characteristics:- NOX reduction rate from 50-75% is possible.
- Minor temperature instabilities at the reduction zone.
- Lower temperature necessary.
- Complex constructive configuration.
- Application at large scale combustions.