St. Peter's Pontifical Seminary
St. Peter’s Pontifical Seminary also known as St. Peter's Pontifical Institute of Philosophy and Theology or simply as St. Peter's Pontifical Seminary/Institute is a catholic
The word catholic comes from the Greek phrase , meaning "on the whole," "according to the whole" or "in general", and is a combination of the Greek words meaning "about" and meaning "whole"...

 major seminary
A seminary, theological college, or divinity school is an institution of secondary or post-secondary education for educating students in theology, generally to prepare them for ordination as clergy or for other ministry...

 located in Bangalore
Bengaluru , formerly called Bengaluru is the capital of the Indian state of Karnataka. Bangalore is nicknamed the Garden City and was once called a pensioner's paradise. Located on the Deccan Plateau in the south-eastern part of Karnataka, Bangalore is India's third most populous city and...

, India.


St. Peter’s Seminary started functioning in Bangalore from 1934 was a development of the former “Grand Seminaire” of Pondicherry founded in 1778.

The “Grand Seminaire” of Pondicherry

When the Society of Jesus
Society of Jesus
The Society of Jesus is a Catholic male religious order that follows the teachings of the Catholic Church. The members are called Jesuits, and are also known colloquially as "God's Army" and as "The Company," these being references to founder Ignatius of Loyola's military background and a...

 was suppressed in 1773, the Carnatic, Madura and Mysore Missions in India were entrusted to the care of the Paris Foreign Missions Society
Paris Foreign Missions Society
The Society of Foreign Missions of Paris is a Roman Catholic missionary organization. It is not a religious order, but an organization of secular priests and lay persons dedicated to missionary work in foreign lands....

 (MEP). To cater to the spiritual needs of these missions and to foster indigenous vocations to priesthood, the Paris Foreign Mission Society started a Seminary in 1778, at Ulgarpet, about 2 miles away from the town of Pondicherry. Rev. Fr. Busson, the ex-Jesuit, was made the first Rector of this Seminary. After him, Fr. Magny took charge of the Seminary and stayed for 40 years as Rector. It was in 1788 that the first ordination to priesthood took place.

St. Joseph’s Seminary

In 1790, the Seminary was transferred to Pondicherry itself for the sake of better accommodation and other facilities. It was present at, what is now Petit Seminaire Higher Secondary School
Petit Seminaire Higher Secondary School
Petit Seminaire Higher Secondary School is a higher secondary school for boys in the state of Pondicherry, India.-History:The history of Petit Seminaire dates back to 1844 as a seminary attended by 89 students of whom 25 were ecclesiastical students aspiring for priesthood. In 1873 it became a...

. The Seminary took the name of “St. Joseph”. At the end of 40 years of Rectorship, Fr. Magny could count 13 ordained priests among the students. The First Synod of Pondicherry took place in 1844 and opened the way for further steady progress of the Seminary. In the first 100 years of existence (1778-1878), the Seminary had given 49 indigenous priests to the Church.

St. Joseph’s Provincial Seminary, Pondicherry

In 1850, the Apostolic Vicariate of the Coromandel Coast was bifurcated into the Apostolic Vicariates of Pondicherry, Coimbatore and Mysore. In 1886 they were erected into the Archdiocese of Pondicherry and the dioceses of Coimbatore and Mysore. In 1899 the new diocese of Kumbakonam was carved out of the Archdiocese of Pondicherry. The Bishops of these dioceses had decided to send all their Seminarians to the “Grand Seminaire” of Pondicherry, so that there could be common training with the economy of Staff. Then onwards this “Grand Seminaire” was considered as Provincial Seminary of these dioceses.

St. Peter’s Regional Seminary, Bangalore

With the further division of dioceses and with the increasing number of vocations, accommodation became a big problem. In 1912, the Bishops of the Province finally decided to transfer the Seminary to Bangalore for the reason of its milder climate. The historic transfer took place in 1934.

As the Pontifical Society of St. Peter the Apostle bore a considerable part of the expenses for the construction of the Seminary building, the new institution assumed, in gratitude, the name of St. Peter.

Since 1934, there was some uncertainty regarding its canonical status. In 1942, it was finally and officially declared by the Holy See that St. Peter’s Seminary was a regional one.

Expansion of the Seminary

With the passage of time, the number of seminarians increased steadily and the problem of accommodation began to be acutely felt. This led ultimately to draw up plans for the construction of a new separate block for theology section.

In September 1960, the Most Rev. Dr. Thomas Pothacamury, the then Archbishop of Bangalore, blessed the new extension in the presence of Cardinal Agagianian, the Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda Fide, and the first batch of 19 Deacons moved to the new block.

When the building of the entire Theology Section was completed in 1966, the new elegant chapel was consecrated by His Excellency the Most Rev. Dr. James R. Knox, the then Internuncio to India.

St. Peter’s Pontifical Seminary

In 1962, the Seminary was affiliated to the Pontifical Urban University of Rome. From then on, the Regional Seminary was raised to the status of Pontifical Seminary. The University granted facilities to the final year students of Theology for the Baccalaureate examination in Theology (B.Th).

Change of Administration

Ever since its inception, the general administration of St. Peter’s Pontifical Seminary had been entrusted to the Paris Foreign Missions Society
Paris Foreign Missions Society
The Society of Foreign Missions of Paris is a Roman Catholic missionary organization. It is not a religious order, but an organization of secular priests and lay persons dedicated to missionary work in foreign lands....


Inspired by the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, the Paris Foreign Missions Society felt that the time had come to transfer the administration to the Bishops in charge of St. Peter’s Pontifical Seminary. The Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples ratified this transfer by a Decree, Prot. 5346/68, dated December 12, 1968.

By the Decree “Ecce Vir Oriens” of the Congregation for Catholic Education
Congregation for Catholic Education
The Congregation for Catholic Education is the Pontifical congregation of the Roman Curia responsible for: seminaries and houses of formation of...

, dated January 6, 1976, the theological discipline of the Seminary was upgraded into a faculty under the name of St. Peter’s Pontifical Institute of Theology. Permanent recognition of this Institute of Theology was granted by the same Congregation by its Decree Prot. N. 518/75/39, dated January 6, 1985. According to the approved Statutes N. 728/79 on 18.11.1986 of the said Institute by the Congregation for Catholic Education, the Board of Administration is the same as the Board of Administration of the Seminary. Going through the records, one finds that during the past two centuries as many as 1654 priests have come out of the portals of St. Peter’s Pontifical Seminary.

Seminary Anthem

O Sing the great Apostle

In mem’ry of the Rock

The basis of that Fabric

Which fears not tempest’s shock

To our Creator’s glory

That festal chant shall burst

We praise the Second shepherd

To glorify the First.

1. O Peter, light of doctrine and torch of holy Love,

The very type of fervour and wisdom from above

O sing the great Apostle...

2. Type too of sad transgression the fruit of faithless fears,

And from the laps uprisen of penitential tears.

O sing the great Apostle...

3. Thou from the Cross didst follow thy Master to the skies,

And O be thou our leader that we too there may be.

O sing the great Apostle...

4. By our good shepherd’s merits and by his saving pray’s

Thy trespass laden people Eternal Shepherd spare.

O sing the great Apostle...

See Also

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