Squamosal suture
The squamosal suture arches backward from the pterion
The pterion is the point corresponding with the posterior end of the sphenoparietal suture.-Location:It is situated about 3 cm. behind, and a little above the level of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone.It marks the junction between four bones:...

 and connects the temporal squama with the lower border of the parietal
Parietal may refer to:*Parietal placentation*Parietal lobe of the brain*Parietal bone of the skull*Parietal scales of a snake lie in the general region of the parietal bone*Parietal cell in the stomach*Parietal pleura...

: this suture is continuous behind with the short, nearly horizontal parietomastoid suture, which unites the mastoid process
Mastoid process
The mastoid process is a conical prominence projecting from the undersurface of the mastoid portion of the temporal bone. It is located just behind the external acoustic meatus, and lateral to the styloid process...

 of the temporal
Temporal bone
The temporal bones are situated at the sides and base of the skull, and lateral to the temporal lobes of the cerebrum.The temporal bone supports that part of the face known as the temple.-Parts:The temporal bone consists of four parts:* Squama temporalis...

 with the region of the mastoid angle of the parietal
Parietal may refer to:*Parietal placentation*Parietal lobe of the brain*Parietal bone of the skull*Parietal scales of a snake lie in the general region of the parietal bone*Parietal cell in the stomach*Parietal pleura...

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