Spooks (series 6)
The sixth series of the BBC
The British Broadcasting Corporation is a British public service broadcaster. Its headquarters is at Broadcasting House in the City of Westminster, London. It is the largest broadcaster in the world, with about 23,000 staff...

 espionage television series Spooks
Spooks is a British television drama series that originally aired on BBC One from 13 May 2002 – 23 October 2011, consisting of 10 series. The title is a popular colloquialism for spies, as the series follows the work of a group of MI5 officers based at the service's Thames House headquarters, in a...

began broadcasting on 16 October 2007 before ending on 18 December 2007. The series, consisting of ten episodes, is the first where there is a story line throughout the episodes. Appearing as recurring characters are CIA Agent, Bob Hogan, and Iranian Special Consul, Dariush Bakhshi, and his wife, Ana.


  • Rupert Penry-Jones
    Rupert Penry-Jones
    Rupert William Penry-Jones is an English actor, best known for his role as Adam Carter in the British television series Spooks, also broadcast under the title MI-5.-Family life:Penry-Jones was born in London on September 22, 1970...

     as Adam Carter
    Adam Carter
    Adam Henry Carter is a fictional character from the BBC espionage television series Spooks, which follows the exploits of Section D, a counter-terrorism division of MI5. He is portrayed by British actor Rupert Penry-Jones...

  • Hermione Norris
    Hermione Norris
    Hermione Norris is an English actress.Norris attended the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art in the 1980s before taking small roles in theatre and on television. In 1996, she was cast in her breakout role of Karen Marsden in the comedy drama television series Cold Feet...

     as Ros Myers
    Ros Myers
    Rosalind "Ros" Sarah Myers was a fictional character from the BBC espionage television series Spooks, which follows the exploits of Section D, a counter-terrorism division in MI5. She is portrayed by British actress Hermione Norris. The character was a former MI6 officer who works with MI5 in the...

  • Miranda Raison
    Miranda Raison
    -Early life:Born in Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk, her father Nick Raison is a jazz pianist and artist, while her mother Caroline read the news for Anglia Television. She has two brothers and two sisters: Ed , Rosie, Sam and May. Her parents divorced when she was six years old, and her father remarried...

     as Jo Portman
    Jo Portman
    Joanna "Jo" Portman was a fictional Field Operative in the Counter-Terrorism department at MI5, featured in the British television series, Spooks, also known as MI5 in the United States. She was played by Miranda Raison...

  • Alex Lanipekun
    Alex Lanipekun
    Alex Lanipekun is a British Actor of Nigerian and Italian/English origin. He trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art but left early to join the cast of the BBC drama Spooks as journalist come spy Ben Kaplan. In 2007 he won the prestigious Carleton Hobbs Award, joining the BBC Radio Drama Rep...

     as Ben Kaplan
    Ben Kaplan
    Ben Kaplan DSO, portrayed by Alex Lanipekun was a starring character in the British spy series, Spooks.- Appearances :Ben Kaplan first appeared in Series 6, Episode 5 as a freelance journalist who was in a relationship with Jo Portman. He tried to expose what was going on with MI5's and Section D's...

  • Raza Jaffrey
    Raza Jaffrey
    Raza Jaffrey is a British actor, most notable for playing the character of Zafar Younis in the BBC1 television spy drama Spooks / MI-5.-Early life:...

     as Zafar Younis
    Zafar Younis
    Zafar Younis is a fictional character in the popular BBC espionage drama Spooks, known in the United States as MI-5. The show follows the exploits of MI5's counter-terrorism group, Section D. The character is played by British actor Raza Jaffrey. Zafar is introduced in the last episode of series...

  • Hugh Simon
    Hugh Simon
    Hugh Simon is a British actor, best known for his portrayal of the character Malcolm Wynn-Jones in the television series Spooks. His other TV credits include Shackleton, Attachments, Cold Feet, North Square, Big Bad World, and "Unusual Suspects" .He has also appeared onstage, as in the 2005 London...

     as Malcolm Wynn-Jones
    Malcolm Wynn-Jones
    Malcolm Wynn-Jones was the fictional MI5 analyst, featured in the British television series Spooks, also known as MI5 in the United States. Malcolm was played by Hugh Simon from the start of Spooks in 2002 until the character was retired at the start of Series 8 in 2009...

  • Gemma Jones
    Gemma Jones
    Gemma Jones is an English character actress on both stage and screen.-Early life:Jones was born in London, England, the daughter of Irene and Griffith Jones, an actor. Her brother, Nicholas Jones, is also an actor...

     as Connie James
    Connie James
    Connie James played by Gemma Jones is a fictional British MI5 spy in the BBC television series Spooks.-Introduction to the Team:According the BBC website, Connie joined MI5 as a secretary when she was 19 in 1963. She was first seen in episode 2 of Series 6, brought in as a regular female lead...

  • Peter Firth
    Peter Firth
    Peter Firth is an English actor. He is best known for his role as Sir Harry Pearce in the BBC show Spooks, of which he is the only actor to have starred in every episode of the show's 10 series lifespan...

     as Harry Pearce
    Harry Pearce
    Sir Henry James "Harry" Pearce KBE is the fictional head of the Counter-Terrorism department of MI5, featured in the British television series, Spooks...

  • Matthew Marsh
    Matthew Marsh (actor)
    Matthew Marsh is an English actor. Matthew Marsh is the older brother of Jon Marsh of English dance band The Beloved. He has appeared in the films Alambrado, Spy Game, An American Haunting, Hawking and Bad Company, and guest-starred in the sixth series of the spy drama Spooks in 2007 and the...

     as Bob Hogan
    Bob Hogan
    Bob Hogan is a fictional character in the British television series Spooks. Bob is a high ranking CIA agent in Britain working from Grosvenor House, the US embassy. Hogan is an ally or enemy of the team at times, however he normally will work with his counterpart Harry Pearce. Hogan was introduced...

  • Simon Abkarian
    Simon Abkarian
    Simon Abkarian is a French-Armenian actor.Born in Gonesse, Val d'Oise, of Armenian descent, Abkarian spent his childhood in Lebanon. He moved to Los Angeles, where he joined an Armenian theater company managed by Gerald Papazian. He returned to France in 1985, settling in Paris...

     as Dariush Bakhshi
  • Agni Scott as Ana Bakhshi
  • Claire Cox
    Claire Cox
    Claire Cox is an English film, television and theatre actor. She was nominated for the Ian Charleson Awards in 2001 for her appearance Julius Caesar at the RSC. She appeared in 2010 as Margaret Thatcher in the play Handbagged, shown at the Tricycle Theatre in London as part of its Women, Power...

     as Anne Beuchet
  • James Laurenson
    James Laurenson
    James Laurenson is a New Zealand actor, who has performed many classical roles on stage and television.Laurenson was born in Marton, New Zealand...

     as Sholto
  • Robert Glenister
    Robert Glenister
    Robert Lewis Glenister is a British actor known for his roles as con man Ash "Three Socks" Morgan in the British TV series Hustle, and Nicholas Blake in the BBC spy drama Spooks.-Career:...

     as Nicholas Blake
  • Alex Dee as Agent Bill
  • Ofo Uhiara
    Ofo Uhiara
    Ofo Uhiara is a British based actor most noted for his role as Police Constable Lance Powell in the ITV soap opera The Bill. He is the brother of actor Ony Uhiara.-External links:...

     as Michael Johnson
    Michael Johnson
    -Musicians:*Michael Johnson , American pop, country and folk singer-songwriter and guitarist*Mike Johnson , American experimental rock guitarist and composer...

  • Anna Chancellor
    Anna Chancellor
    -Family:Chancellor was born in Richmond, London, England, the daughter of the Hon. Mary Alice Jolliffe and John Paget Chancellor. Through her mother's mother, Lady Perdita Rose Mary Asquith, Chancellor is the great-granddaughter of The Hon. Raymond Aquith and the great-great-granddaughter of Prime...

     as Juliet Shaw
    Juliet Shaw
    Juliet Shaw is a fictional character in the British TV show Spooks, portrayed by British actress Anna Chancellor. She rose fast as a spy, achieving the position of National Security Coordinator, at the Cabinet Office...

  • Sam Spruell
    Sam Spruell
    Sam Spruell is a British actor. His film credits include Defiance , Elizabeth: The Golden Age , London to Brighton , To Kill a King and K-19: The Widowmaker...

     as Jason Belling
  • Guy Gallagher as Boscard


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