In the insect
Insects are a class of living creatures within the arthropods that have a chitinous exoskeleton, a three-part body , three pairs of jointed legs, compound eyes, and two antennae...

 world, Sphaeropsocidae is a family of Psocoptera
Psocoptera are an order of insects that are commonly known as booklice, barklice or barkflies. They first appeared in the Permian period, 295–248 million years ago. They are often regarded as the most primitive of the hemipteroids. Their name originates from the Greek word psokos meaning...

 belonging to the suborder Troctomorpha. Members of this family have reduced, coriaceous wings. The family comprises 22 known species (four of them fossils) in eight genera.


  • Lienhard, C. & Smithers, C. N. 2002. Psocoptera (Insecta): World Catalogue and Bibliography. Instrumenta Biodiversitatis, vol. 5. Museum of Natural History, Geneva, Switzerland.
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