Sphaerodes is a genus
In biology, a genus is a low-level taxonomic rank used in the biological classification of living and fossil organisms, which is an example of definition by genus and differentia...

 of fungi within the Ceratostomataceae
The Ceratostomataceae are a family of fungi in the Ascomycota, class Sordariomycetes. Species in the family have a widespread distribution, and are found growing on other fungi, on soil, or rotting vegetation...



  • Sphaerodes beatonii
  • Sphaerodes compressa
  • Sphaerodes ellipsospora
  • Sphaerodes episphaerium
  • Sphaerodes fimicola
  • Sphaerodes manginii
  • Sphaerodes micropertusa
  • Sphaerodes mycoparasitica
  • Sphaerodes ornata
  • Sphaerodes perplexa
  • Sphaerodes pseudofimicola
  • Sphaerodes quadrangularis
  • Sphaerodes quandrangularis
  • Sphaerodes retispora
  • Sphaerodes singaporensis
  • Sphaerodes tenuissima

External links

  • Sphaerodes at Index Fungorum
    Index Fungorum
    Index Fungorum, an international project to index all formal names in the Fungi Kingdom. Somewhat comparable to the IPNI, but with more contributing institutions....

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