Space Clav
"Space Clav" is the B-side
A-side and B-side
A-side and B-side originally referred to the two sides of gramophone records on which singles were released beginning in the 1950s. The terms have come to refer to the types of song conventionally placed on each side of the record, with the A-side being the featured song , while the B-side, or...

 to the "Half the Man" single. The song is a live performance from the band Jamiroquai
Jamiroquai is a British jazz funk and acid jazz band formed in 1992. Jamiroquai were initially the most prominent component in the early-1990s London-based acid jazz movement, alongside groups such as Incognito, the James Taylor Quartet, and the Brand New Heavies. Other Acid Jazz artists such as...

, which was first featured in their live performance at Kanagawa, Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

 in 1993.

The original live track has a duration of 5:31 and features the popular members such as Stuart Zender
Stuart Zender
Stuart Patrick Jude Zender is an English bassist, songwriter and record producer. He is best known for being the original bass player for Jamiroquai.-Early life:...

, Toby Smith
Toby Smith
Toby Smith is a musician, most famous for being the keyboardist and co-songwriter for Jamiroquai from 1992 up to 2001....

, DJ-DZIRE and also Nick van Geldar. Jason Kay
Jason Kay
Jason "Jay Kay" Luís Cheetham , is a Grammy Award-winning English musician, best known as the lead singer of the band Jamiroquai...

apparently wrote the song along with a few of the members but this has not been officially confirmed.
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