Space: 2099
Space: 2099 is an experimental film project undertaken by the creative entity Retcon Studios and spearheaded by film professional Eric Bernard. It is an updated retooling of the 1970s Gerry Anderson television series Space: 1999
Space: 1999
Space: 1999 is a British science-fiction television series that ran for two seasons and originally aired from 1975 to 1977. In the opening episode, nuclear waste from Earth stored on the Moon's far side explodes in a catastrophic accident on 13 September 1999, knocking the Moon out of orbit and...

with a goal similar to that accomplished with other science-fiction series such as Star Trek
Star Trek
Star Trek is an American science fiction entertainment franchise created by Gene Roddenberry. The core of Star Trek is its six television series: The Original Series, The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise...

or The Star Wars Trilogy: Special Edition. In addition to modernizing the series with enhanced visual effects, Bernard and his team are re-editing the original material to improve pacing, integrate additional material to improve the dramatic texture, and mitigate scientific and technical inaccuracies where feasible. Limited amounts of the group's sample work and promotional footage are presently available via internet.

In addition to the reworking of the original Space: 1999, the group has additional ideas to produce a sequel that takes place thirty to forty years beyond the original timeline. As ITV (the current holder of creative rights to Space: 1999) has not officially sanctioned Space: 2099 nor Retcon Studios to date, Space 2099 is considered a privately-held work at present, similar in status to that of Star Trek: Phase II (fan series).

Beginnings of 2099 and Retcon Studios

The roots of the project started in 1994, when Eric Bernard purchased the entire series in Laserdisc
LaserDisc was a home video format and the first commercial optical disc storage medium. Initially licensed, sold, and marketed as MCA DiscoVision in North America in 1978, the technology was previously referred to interally as Optical Videodisc System, Reflective Optical Videodisc, Laser Optical...

 format. Enjoying its narrative flavor and high production values, he became interested in re-editing the series to improve narrative pacing, enhancing its feel with additional special effects, and changing the aspect ratio to 16:9.

At the request of a friend, Bernard took the edited material to the Main Mission convention held in New York City in 2000. Fan reaction at the convention was extremely positive, to such degree that conceptual consultant Richard Bendell offered his services to the project. Additional effects experts such as David Kerin, Daniel Lavoie, Gary Myers, and musical composer Michael Ducharme have all contributed their talents in pushing the project further. The group continued to showcase their project at other conventions over the next few years.

The production website for Space: 2099 was placed online in July 2008, to very positive reaction. Internet promotional spots were made to showcase the creative teams' work and gather interest. Additional people have added their names to the project, including writer Steve Warnek, who has promoted their work at Yuri's Night
Yuri's Night
Yuri's Night is an international celebration held on April 12 every year to commemorate space exploration milestones. The event is named for the first human to launch into space, Yuri Gagarin, who flew the Vostok 1 spaceship on April 12, 1961. In 2004, people celebrated Yuri's Night in 34...

. It was soon decided that the formation of a professional creative entity would enhance the chances of Space 2099 being greenlit. Thus the formation of Retcon Studios began, a group whose interest is in enhancing older works of Space:1999's vintage, while also pursuing original works as well. Space: 2099 continues to be the flagship project in the Retcon Studios portfolio, with others to follow.

In 2010, Keith Wilson (production designer)
Keith Wilson (production designer)
Keith George Wilson was an award-winning production designer who began work at AP Films, working as art assistant on Fireball XL5 and many other Gerry Anderson productions to follow. As a production designer he created all the futuristic sets for Space: 1999 and Star Maidens...

 voiced his support for Space: 2099 in a Retcon Studios documentary about his life and work. That same year, science fiction artist Andrew Probert
Andrew Probert
Andrew Probert is an artist who is best known for designing the USS Enterprise for Star Trek: The Motion Picture and the Enterprise-D for Star Trek: The Next Generation....

 began rendering pre-production sketchwork for the project.

List of related videos

Although numerous coming-attraction type spots have been accomplished by Retcon Studios, the following original works are of particular significance.
  • The Eagle Has Landed - teaser spot, in homage to 40th Anniversary of Apollo 11
    Apollo 11
    In early 1969, Bill Anders accepted a job with the National Space Council effective in August 1969 and announced his retirement as an astronaut. At that point Ken Mattingly was moved from the support crew into parallel training with Anders as backup Command Module Pilot in case Apollo 11 was...

  • Keith Wilson: Life Beyond Alpha - documentary-style interview with Space: 1999 Keith Wilson (production designer)
    Keith Wilson (production designer)
    Keith George Wilson was an award-winning production designer who began work at AP Films, working as art assistant on Fireball XL5 and many other Gerry Anderson productions to follow. As a production designer he created all the futuristic sets for Space: 1999 and Star Maidens...

  • The Day the Moon Left Earth - promotional video showcasing re-edited material
  • 2099 Legacy: The Sequel Series - promotion for possible sequel
  • Return of Victor Bergman - Barry Morse
    Barry Morse
    Herbert "Barry" Morse was an Anglo-Canadian actor of stage, screen, and radio best known for his roles in the ABC television series The Fugitive and the British sci-fi drama Space: 1999...

     final convention appearance combined with original Space: 1999 footage
  • Yuri's Night Space Coast 2010 - Retcon Studios' presence at Yuri's Night
    Yuri's Night
    Yuri's Night is an international celebration held on April 12 every year to commemorate space exploration milestones. The event is named for the first human to launch into space, Yuri Gagarin, who flew the Vostok 1 spaceship on April 12, 1961. In 2004, people celebrated Yuri's Night in 34...

    event promoting Space: 2099
  • The Future Past Enhanced - documentary-style showcasing of various enhancements to Space: 1999
  • Space News - 2008 series of news-type spots with Heather West showcasing Space: 2099 effects, editing, and other work

External links

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