South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources' mission is to serve as the principal advocate for and steward of South Carolina’s natural resources. The agency does so with the following principles:
appoints a member from each of the state's congressional districts, in addition to one at-large
board member. The board or governor may appoint citizen's advisory panels to provide recommendations on agency programs. The board meets monthly. Citizen advisory committees meet periodically.
The public is invited to attend all meetings, and comment is encouraged. Upcoming meetings are announced through news releases emailed to news media around the state and posted to the SCDNR website. Also, SCDNR Board Meeting minutes are available as they are approved by the Board.
On July 1, 1994, the DNR was formed by the merger of the former Wildlife and Marine Resources Department, Water Resources Commission (non-regulatory programs), Land Resources Conservation Commission (non-regulatory programs), State Geological Survey (State Geologist) and S.C. Migratory Waterfowl Committee.
Region 1 - Clemson, Oconee, Pickens, Greenville, Spartanburg, Anderson, Laurens, Abbeville, Greenwood, Union, Cherokee, McCormick, and Edgefield Counties - 311 Natural Resources Drive, Clemson, SC 29631
Region 2 - Florence, York, Chester, Fairfield, Lancaster, Kershaw, Lee, Chesterfield, Marlboro, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Marion, Williamsburg Counties - 295 S. Evander Drive, Florence, SC 29506
Region 3 - Columbia, Newberry, Saluda, Aiken, Lexington, Richland, Calhoun, Orangeburg, Barnwell, Allendale, Bamberg, Sumter, Clarendon Counties - Street Address: 1000 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC 29201 - Mailing Address: P.O.Box 167, Columbia, SC 29202
Region 4 - Charleston, Horry, Hampton, Georgetown, Berkeley, Charleston, Dorchester, Colleton, Jasper, Beaufort Counties - Street Address: 217 Ft. Johnson Road, Charleston, SC 29412 - Mailing Address: PO Box 12559, Charleston, SC 29422
Detailed history timeline
- Enhance public and private partnerships and open communications necessary to cooperatively protect and manage the state’s natural resources;
- Ensure that agency decisions and actions regarding the state’s natural resources are based on a balance of scientific knowledge, strong conservation ethics, objectivity, fairness, and the needs and interests of the public;
- Ensure the safety and well-being of the public in their use and enjoyment of the state’s natural resources;
- Ensure the continuation and effective management of hunting, fishing, boating, and other natural resources-related activities.
The SCDNR is governed by the seven-member S.C. Natural Resources Board. The governor of South CarolinaGovernor of South Carolina
The Governor of the State of South Carolina is the head of state for the State of South Carolina. Under the South Carolina Constitution, the Governor is also the head of government, serving as the chief executive of the South Carolina executive branch. The Governor is the ex officio...
appoints a member from each of the state's congressional districts, in addition to one at-large
At-large is a designation for representative members of a governing body who are elected or appointed to represent the whole membership of the body , rather than a subset of that membership...
board member. The board or governor may appoint citizen's advisory panels to provide recommendations on agency programs. The board meets monthly. Citizen advisory committees meet periodically.
The public is invited to attend all meetings, and comment is encouraged. Upcoming meetings are announced through news releases emailed to news media around the state and posted to the SCDNR website. Also, SCDNR Board Meeting minutes are available as they are approved by the Board.
Agency History
Beginning in 1910 as the Office of the Chief Game Warden, the S.C. Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has had in 100+ years just six directors: James Henry Rice (1910-1913), A.A. Richardson (1913-1958), James W. Webb (1959-1974), James A. Timmerman, Jr. (1974-1997), Paul A. Sandifer (1997-2003) and John E. Frampton (2003 to present). Since its inception the agency’s name has changed four times. Its staff now numbers 800, and its responsibilities include managing game, nongame and endangered wildlife, both inland and in South Carolina’s coastal zone; water and land resource management and conservation; Office of State Climatologist; and state Geological Survey.On July 1, 1994, the DNR was formed by the merger of the former Wildlife and Marine Resources Department, Water Resources Commission (non-regulatory programs), Land Resources Conservation Commission (non-regulatory programs), State Geological Survey (State Geologist) and S.C. Migratory Waterfowl Committee.
Board Members
- Caroline Rhodes, Chairman (1st congressional districtSouth Carolina's 1st congressional districtThe 1st Congressional District of South Carolina is a coastal congressional district in South Carolina. It stretches from Seabrook Island in the south to the North Carolina border and includes parts of Charleston, Dorchester, Berkeley and Georgetown counties and all of Horry county...
)- John P. Evans, Vice-Chairman 6th congressional districtSouth Carolina's 6th congressional districtThe 6th Congressional District of South Carolina is a congressional district in central South Carolina. It includes all of Bamberg, Clarendon, Colleton, Marion and Williamsburg counties and parts of Berkeley, Calhoun, Charleston, Dorchester, Florence, Georgetown, Lee, Orangeburg, Richland and...
- Robert R. "Randy" Lowe (5th congressional districtSouth Carolina's 5th congressional districtThe 5th Congressional District of South Carolina is a congressional district in northern South Carolina bordering North Carolina. It includes all of Cherokee, Chester, Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lancaster, Marlboro, Newberry and York counties and parts of Florence, Lee...
) - Norman F. Pulliam (4th congressional districtSouth Carolina's 4th congressional districtThe 4th Congressional District of South Carolina is a congressional district in upstate South Carolina bordering North Carolina. It includes all of Greenville, Spartanburg and Union counties and a part of Laurens county. The district is characterized by the two major cities of Greenville and...
) - Larry L. Yonce (3rd congressional districtSouth Carolina's 3rd congressional districtThe 3rd Congressional District of South Carolina is a congressional district in western South Carolina bordering both Georgia and North Carolina. It includes all of Abbeville, Anderson, Edgefield, Greenwood, Laurens, McCormick, Oconee, Pickens and Saluda counties and approximately half of Aiken...
) - Michael E. "Mike" Hutchins (2nd congressional districtSouth Carolina's 2nd congressional districtThe 2nd Congressional District of South Carolina is a congressional district in central and eastern South Carolina. It includes all of Lexington, Beaufort, Jasper, Hampton, Allendale and Barnwell counties; most of Richland County and parts of Aiken, Calhoun and Orangeburg counties...
) - Cary L. Chastain (Member at Large)
- John P. Evans, Vice-Chairman 6th congressional district
Executive Office
- Director - John Frampton
- Chief of Staff - Don Winslow
- Chief Legal Counsel - Buford S. Mabry Jr.
Advisory Committees
- Governor's Cup Bill Fishing Advisory Board
- Heritage Trust Advisory Board
- Land, Water and Conservation Division Advisory Committee
- Law Enforcement Advisory Committee
- Marine Advisory Committee
- Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Advisory Committee
- SC Migratory Waterfowl Committee
- Waterfowl Advisory Committee
- Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Advisory Committee
- Marine Resources
- Outreach and Support Services
- Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
- Advisory Committees
- Climate
- DNR Board
- Geological Survey
- Geographic Information System
- Hatcheries
- Human Resources
- Managed Lands
- Marine Resources Research Institute
- SCDNR Regions
- Water - Hydrology
Main Office - Street Address: 1000 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC 29201 - Mailing Address: P. O. Box 167, Columbia, SC 29202- Boat Titling & Registration - 803-734-3857
- Licenses - 803-734-3833
- Human Resources - 803-734-4400
- Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries - 803-734-3886
- Law Enforcement - 803-734-4002
- Outreach and Support Services - 803-734-3814
- Wildlife Diversity Programs, Heritage Preserves - 803-734-3893
- S.C. Wildlife Magazine - 803-734-3944
- Land, Water & Conservation Division - 803-734-9100
- Geological Survey, 5 Geology Road, Columbia - 803-896-7714
Region 1 - Clemson, Oconee, Pickens, Greenville, Spartanburg, Anderson, Laurens, Abbeville, Greenwood, Union, Cherokee, McCormick, and Edgefield Counties - 311 Natural Resources Drive, Clemson, SC 29631
- Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, Land, Water and Conservation, Outreach and Support Services, Law Enforcement - 864-654-1671
Region 2 - Florence, York, Chester, Fairfield, Lancaster, Kershaw, Lee, Chesterfield, Marlboro, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Marion, Williamsburg Counties - 295 S. Evander Drive, Florence, SC 29506
- Wildlife - 843-661-4766
- Fisheries - 843-661-4767
- Law Enforcement - 843-661-4766
Region 3 - Columbia, Newberry, Saluda, Aiken, Lexington, Richland, Calhoun, Orangeburg, Barnwell, Allendale, Bamberg, Sumter, Clarendon Counties - Street Address: 1000 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC 29201 - Mailing Address: P.O.Box 167, Columbia, SC 29202
- Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries - 803-734-3886
- Land, Water and Conservation - 803-734-9100
- Law Enforcement - 803-734-4303
Region 4 - Charleston, Horry, Hampton, Georgetown, Berkeley, Charleston, Dorchester, Colleton, Jasper, Beaufort Counties - Street Address: 217 Ft. Johnson Road, Charleston, SC 29412 - Mailing Address: PO Box 12559, Charleston, SC 29422
- Freshwater Fisheries - 843-953-5160
- Wildlife - 843-953-5291
- Land, Water and Conservation - 843-953-9334
- Law Enforcement - 843-953-9307
- Marine Resources - 843-953-9300
- Boating Titling and Registration / Licenses - 843-953-9301
- Commercial Saltwater Licenses - 843-953-9301
- Dennis Wildlife Center, 305 Black Oak Road, Bonneau - 843-825-3387
Brief Description of Agency Services
- ACE Basin Project: A major wildlife conservation effort in the Ashepoo, Combahee and Edisto(ACE) river drainage with protected state, federal and private holdings. For information on education programs call 843-953-9001 in Charleston.
- Alligators: See Wildlife Control.
- Aquaculture Permits for Hybrid Striped Bass and Shrimp: DNR reviews permit applications for hybrid bass and shrimp culture operations. Call 803-734-3991. See Fish Breeders Permit. See Marine Resources Permits.
- Aquatic Education: The Sport Fish Restoration Funded Aquatic Education programs educate the public on recreational fishing techniques, opportunities and angler ethics. This is done through a variety of programs such as SC Reel Kids, Reel Art, Youth Bass Fishing Clubs, Trout in the Classroom, Family Fishing Clinics and a Fishing Tackle Loaner Program. For more information on these programs, please contact the Aquatic Education Coordinator at (803)737-8483.
- Atlas & Gazetteer, South Carolina: South Carolina Wildlife magazine sells this atlas with topo maps of the entire state laid out in lat/lon grid quads. Features roads, elevations, boat ramps, lakes and river corridors, attractions and points of interest. Call (803)734-3944 or (888)644-9453.
- Beach Sweep / River Sweep: DNR and the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium sponsor this one-day volunteer cleanup of S.C. beaches, rivers and lakes each September. For more information call Inland Coordinator (for inland counties): Bill Marshall at 803-734-9096 or Coastal Coordinator (for coastal counties): Susan Ferris Hill at 843-953-2078.
- Billfish, S.C. Governor’s Cup Billfishing Series: DNR Marine Resources Division administers this program to encourage the conservation of billfish through catch and release. Several major tournaments are involved in this effort. For information, call 843-953-9365.
- Bird Dog Training License: Special license is needed during non-hunting period. Call DNR Small Game at 803-734-3609.
- Boat Ramps, Public: See Atlas & Gazetteer, South Carolina.
- Boat Titling & Registration: Watercraft registration and watercraft and outboard motor titling services are available through DNR offices in Columbia at 803-734-3857 and Charleston at 843-953-9301.
- Boater Education: This DNR program offers free local classes and a mail-in home study course. Call 1-800-277-4301.
- Boating Accidents, Reporting: State law requires that boating accidents causing loss of life, loss of consciousness, medical treatment or disability that prevents the discharge of normal duties beyond the day of casualty or property damage in excess of the minimum amount set by the U.S. Coast Guard for reportable accidents be reported in writing to the DNR Law Enforcement Division within 48 hours.
- Boating Event Permits: Any group planning to hold a water event such as a regatta, boat race, exhibition, parade or fishing tournament must obtain a free permit from DNR Law Enforcement Division. The permit system prevents multiple events in the same area and allows scheduling of officers for safety purposes. Submit applications at least 30 days in advance. For permits or information on other scheduled events, contact Boating Safety, P.O., Box 12559, Charleston, S.C. 29412 or call 843-953-9378.
- Boating, Float Plans: Filing a float plan before every boating trip would save the lives of fishermen, hunters and other boaters. It’s basically telling someone where you intend to go and when you plan to return. Leave your float plan with a family member, friend or a marina.
- Boating Safety Regulations: Watercraft operated in South Carolina waters must meet minimum safety equipment requirements. All watercraft must carry one wearable US Coast Guard-approved personal floatation device for each person on board. For a regulations booklet or other information, write Boating Regulations, PO Box 12559, Charleston, S.C. 29412 or call 843-953-9378.
- Boats, Stolen: To report stolen watercraft or outboard motors, call DNR Titling & Registration at 803-734-3857 in Columbia or your local Sheriff’s department.
- Calendars: Sportsman's Calendars (September-August) may be purchased from South Carolina Wildlife magazine. Credit cards are accepted. Call 803-734-3944 or 888-644-WILD (9453).
- Camp Wildwood: Annual camp each June is sponsored by DNR, The Garden Club of South Carolina, S.C. Wildlife Federation, Harry Hampton Fund and S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control for rising 10th graders to 12th graders. First 100 accepted, application deadline is end of May. Applications and more information can be found by calling 803-720-9299.
- Carolina Coastal Discovery Program: The Carolina Coastal Discovery Program utilizes the 45’ Educational Vessel (E/V) Discovery and a variety of land-based programs to provide hands-on educational activities for students and teachers about marine ecosystems and resources. See http://www.dnr.sc.gov/ccd/ or call 843-953-9300.
- Climatology Office, State: DNR program performs claims verification for insurance carriers; rainfall contouring for hydrologic research; severe weather event documentation; on-site monitoring of temperature, rainfall, wind and pressure; consultative services for news media; assistance in law enforcement investigations; and presentations to groups. Call 803-734-9091.
- Coastal Training Program (CTP): DNR’s Marine Resources Division administers this program to provide training and information to coastal decision makers in the ACE Basin (Ashepoo, Combahee and Edisto River Basin). Training events and technical assistance are provided to help communities make informed and confident decisions about coastal land use. For information, call 843-953-9024.
- Conservation Districts: The 46 local districts (one in each county) offer information and technical assistance on an array of soil and water conservation topics including farming practices, urban/rural erosion and sediment control, soil maps and water quality. Some districts have equipment for no-till planting, drip irrigation installation, field terracing, etc. Call DNR in Columbia at 803-734-9100 for general information or contact the local office. Conservation district office information can be found at http://www.dnr.sc.gov/conservation/
- Core Repository: Collection of rock and sediment core samples from across the state. Contact S.C. Geological Survey at 803-896-7714.
- Crabbing: For recreational limits and gear restrictions, refer to annual Rules and Regulations, http://www.dnr.sc.gov/regs/crabregs.html or call 843-953-9393 in Charleston. For commercial regulations and licenses, call 843-953-9393 in Charleston. See Shellfishing.
- Deer Hunting Season: Seasons and limits vary by Game Zone and area. Check annual Rules & Regulations brochure or call DNR main office at 803-734-3886 or local DNR Wildlife Management offices.
- Deer Harvest Information: Deer harvests in S.C. are documented annually by using information provided by cooperating hunting clubs and from results obtained through an annual statewide deer hunter survey. Harvest results are published in news releases, as an annual report and on the DNR Home Page at http://www.dnr.sc.gov/wildlife/deer/. Call 803-734-8738.
- Deer Management: For assistance on establishing food plots, wildlife openings and habitat management call a local Wildlife Management Office or state office at 803-734-8738.
- Deer, Harvesting Antlerless Deer: Antlerless deer harvests are conducted statewide using either sex days and two optional antlerless deer tag programs. Dates for either sex days are published annually in the DNR Rules and Regulations brochure. See Deer Tags, Individual Antlerless Deer Tag Program (ITP) and Deer Tags, Antlerless Deer Quota Program (ADQP).
- Deer Tags, Individual Antlerless Deer tags: Hunters can purchase up to 4 tags per person, (2 for $10 or 4 for $20), which can be used on any day open to deer hunting with certain Game Zone restrictions. Consult the annual Rules and Regulations brochure for specific Game Zone information. Applications are available on the DNR website: http://www.dnr.sc.gov/licensing.html. The Individual Antlerless Deer tags may also be purchased by visiting any DNR office, by calling the DNR License Call Center at 1-866-714-3611 or by visiting the DNR website: http://www.dnr.sc.gov/purchase.html To contact the DNR License Division, please dial 803-734-3833.
- Deer Tags, Antlerless Deer Quota Program (ADQP): Deer Quotas are issued to qualifying land owners or leaseholders statewide who complete and submit an application, available in May, along with the $50 fee prior to August 1. Quotas are issued for a particular tract of land based on the size of the tract, deer population density and condition, and the objectives of the property owner. ADQP tags can only be used on the property for which they were issued. Call 803-734-8738 or contact your local Wildlife Management office.
- Deer Antler Records: Antler scoring sessions as part of the State Deer Records Program are conducted each year during March throughout the state. Antlers may also be scored by appointment with a local Wildlife Management biologist. Call 803-734-8738. A publication listing state antler records may be purchased by calling the SC Wildlife Shop at 888-644-WILD (9453).
- Digital Data: Contact the OSS Division’s Technology Development Section, 803-734-9494.
- Disabilities, Special Licenses: Disability hunting and fishing licenses are issued to certain disabled veterans and others who qualify. To print a Disability hunting and fishing license application, please visit the DNR website at http://www.dnr.sc.gov/licensing.html or contact the DNR License Division at (803)-734-3833.
- Dog Tattoos: A voluntary registry (record-keeping only) to help owners recover lost dogs. For applications write Dog/Kennel Registry, PO Box 11710, 1000 Assembly St., Columbia, SC 29211 or call 803-734-3833.
- Dove Fields: Fields for public hunting are available each year to hunters with a Wildlife Management Area Permit. List is available in mid-August. Call 803-734-3609 or contact your local DNR Wildlife Management office.
- Drought: For water resources information such as precipitation, temperature, streamflow, soil moisture and reservoir and groundwater levels during periods of drought in South Carolina, call the DNR Drought Information Center at 803-734-9100.
- Duck Boxes: Private landowners work with DNR to produce thousands of wood ducks annually by installing nest boxes and recording activity. To participate in the S.C. Wood Duck Box Project, contact your local DNR Wildlife Management office.
- Duck Seasons: Federal migratory waterfowl hunting seasons are published in mid-September in a brochure. For information and publications, contact your local DNR Wildlife Management office.
- Duck Stamp, Junior Contest: The DNR and Southeastern Wildlife Exposition sponsor the national contest in S.C. open to art students K-12. On the state level, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners are recognized in four grade groups. The state winner enters the national contest. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service sells Junior Duck Stamps. Call 803-734-3885 for state contest information. See Education Programs.
- Duck Stamp, State: Migratory waterfowl permit (SC State Duck stamps) is required of S.C. hunters 16 and older. The Collector’s SC Duck stamps can be ordered by printing a Collector SC Duck Stamp order form from the DNR website at http://www.dnr.sc.gov/wildlife/stamps/. Limited edition prints are sold by retail art stores.
- Earthquakes: For historic information and epicenter locations, contact SC Geological Survey at 803-896-7714.
- Education, Earth Science: For earth science information addressing K-8 Education Standards, contact S.C. Geological Survey at 803-896-7714.
- Education Programs: DNR sponsors a variety of conservation education programs. Call 803-734-3955 or check listings at http://www.dnr.sc.gov. See, Project WILD, Camp Wildwood, Junior Duck Stamp. For Marine programs, tours, cruises & publications, call 843-762-5437. For Envirothon and Environmental Institutes for teachers, call 803-734-9100.
- Endangered Species Program: DNR develops and implements recovery plans for all plant and animal species listed as endangered or in need of management. This program depends heavily on donations to the Endangered Wildlife Fund on state income tax forms. For information on South Carolina’s threatened and endangered species, or to inquire about program support (e.g., school or organization projects), write Endangered Wildlife Program, PO Box 167, Columbia, SC 29202 or call 803-734-3887.
- Endangered Species License Plate: This special two-year license plate, featuring a sea turtle, is available through the South Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles. Purchase of the plate funds natural resource projects, such as protection of endangered species in South Carolina. For information, call Division of Motor Vehicles, 803-896-5000 or DNR Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, 803-734-0256.
- Environmental Permits: The DNR evaluates existing and potential impact to the state’s natural resources through its Environmental Programs Office. Participating in these programs are the Marine Resources Division, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division and Land, Water and Conservation Division, with oversight from the Executive Office. Call 803-734-3766.
- Exhibits: See Tours, Fish Lift, Fish Hatcheries, Education Programs, ACE Basin. Call 803-734-3888.
- Exotic Wildlife: DNR permits are required for importation of certain game and nongame species into the state. Call 803-734-3807. See Marine Resources Permits.
- FACE for Wildlife: FACE (Food and Cover Establishment) for Wildlife is an annual statewide contest for 4-H members and other students. Using a seed mixture furnished by the DNR, contestants must plant one plot and keep records on it for one growing season. For more information or an application, contact your local Clemson Extension Office or the DNR Small Game Program at 803-734-3609.
- Fault Zones: Contact S.C. Geological Survey at 803-896-7714.
- Field Trial Permits: Special permits are required for conducting hunting dog trials (bird dogs, fox, raccoon, retriever, rabbit, etc.). Call DNR Small Game Program at 803-734-3609.
- Fish Attractors: Fish attraction areas in major reservoirs. For locations call Freshwater Fisheries at 803-734-9094.
- Fish Breeders Permits: Individuals who intend to raise freshwater game fish for sale must obtain a permit from the DNR Freshwater Fisheries Section at 803-734-3891 in Columbia. For saltwater, mariculture or marine species-related permits, call 843-953-9224 in Charleston.
- Fish Hatcheries: DNR fish hatcheries are maintained for stocking of public waters, research and sale of fingerlings. For information on tours at freshwater hatcheries, call 803-755-0966. For saltwater species, see Mariculture.
- Fish Lift: A fish lift at St. Stephen powerhouse dam affords safe passage for fish migrating upstream from the Cooper River to spawn in the Santee Cooper lakes and permits visitors a close-up, underwater view through a glass window. It is generally open to visitors from March 1 through late April. For more information, directions or to schedule a guided tour, call the Dennis Wildlife Center in Bonneau at 843-825-3387.
- Fish Posters: Identification posters for freshwater and saltwater fish may be purchased from South Carolina Wildlife magazine. Call 803-734-3944 or 888-644-WILD (9453).
- Fish Records, Freshwater: All-tackle records (none for line test) are kept for game fish, plus 4 species of catfish and American shad. Bowfishing records are kept for carp, gar and bowfin (mudfish). Records must be verified by a biologist. For current records, regulations and applications to report potential records call 803-734-3891 in Columbia.
- Fish Records, Saltwater: All-tackle records (none for line test) are kept for most marine sportfish and food fish species. New records must be verified by a biologist. For current records, regulations and applications to report potential records, call 843-953-9365 in Charleston.
- Fish Tagging, Marine Gamefish: The DNR encourages the tag and release of most marine gamefish species, particularly during fishing tournaments. For saltwater fishing, call 843-953-9364.
- Fish Tagging: The DNR currently has a number of research projects that employ a tagging component, addressing everything from red drum to billfish. The Marine Game Fish Tagging Program was the only program that relied on the public (or fishery) to implant tags and report associated information. Other agency programs involve tagging that is done by DNR personnel to address specific research issues. Anglers who catch tagged fish should report that information via the toll-free number 1-888-Tags-4-SC (1-888-824-7472). Releasing a tagged fish with the tag still intact is strongly encouraged as this allows for the possibility of acquiring additional data should the fish be recaptured multiple times.
- Fishing, Fee Pond Permits: A fee pond operator may purchase a voluntary annual permit from the DNR which allows customers to fish without individual licenses. Call 803-734-3891.
- Fishing, Handicapped Access: See Fishing, State Lakes Program.
- Fishing, Saltwater Commercial: DNR manages saltwater fish and shellfish stocks and sets commercial harvest seasons. For information on commercial regulations and licenses, call 843-953-9313 and for licenses call 843-953-9300 in Charleston.
- Fishing, Saltwater Recreational: DNR manages saltwater fish and shellfish stocks through regulations and setting seasons for recreational harvest. For information and publications, call 843-953-9360 in Charleston or refer to the annual Rules and Regulations brochure. See Shellfishing, Shrimping.
- Fishing Reefs: See Reefs, Artificial.
- Fishing, State Lakes Program: In areas of the state where few public fishing locations exist, these lakes provide opportunities for bank fishing, and some have boat launching facilities, fishing piers, nature trails and picnic areas. Some state lakes may be handicap-accessible. Please inquire by writing DNR Public Fishing Lakes, PO Box 167, Columbia, SC 29202 or calling 803-734-3891 or contact your local Freshwater Fisheries office.
- Floodplain Management & Flood Mitigation: DNR assists counties, towns, cities and the general public with floodplain management and related issues, including the National Flood Insurance Program for South Carolina. Call 802-734-9103.
- Flowers, Wild: See Endangered Species.
- Fur Harvest: Furbearing wildlife species may be harvested by licensed hunters and trappers according to state regulations. Some furbearers can cause property damage and may need to be controlled. For a list of commercial trappers and other information, call 803-734-3609. For licenses and tags, call 803-734-3838.
- Geologic Information: Bulletins, open-file reports and geologic maps are available for review or purchase upon request. Catalog available. Call 803-896-7714.
- Geologic Mapping: Field-oriented studies of areas of socio-economic interest in the State where geologic information is needed. Contact the S.C. Geological Survey, 803-896-7714.
- Geophysical Logging: Logging of boreholes for water well construction is provided to the public and water utilities throughout the state free of charge. Assistance is provided subject to availability of resources. Contact the Land, Water and Conservation Division at 803-734-9100.
- Grass Carp Importation Permits: DNR Freshwater Fisheries Section issues permits to instate retailers of triploid, or sterile grass carp for aquatic weed control. Call 803-734-3891.
- Handicapped Hunting Access: To inquire about better access to local public hunting lands or Wildlife Management Areas, contact a local DNR Wildlife Management Office. Some hunts are conducted exclusively for mobility-impaired hunters. See Wildlife Management Offices.
- Heritage Preserves: The Heritage Trust Program manages and protects over 83,000 acres of land in South Carolina containing rare biological communities and archaeological sites; habitats of rare and endangered species; and high-quality ecosystems. Most have hiking trails and offer opportunities for nature viewing and other recreational activities. Write to SCDNR, Heritage Trust Program, PO Box 167, Columbia, SC 29202 or call 803-734-3893.
- Hunts, Public Drawing: The DNR offers a variety of WMA hunts through computerized drawings. Hunt fees must be submitted at the time of application. Deer hunt applications are available in July, waterfowl and quail hunt applications are available in mid-September and youth/adult-only turkey hunt applications are available in February. To receive an application, call 803-734-3886 or any local DNR office statewide, or write SCDNR Public Drawing Hunts, PO Box 167, Columbia, SC 29202. Applications are also available on our website at http://www.dnr.sc.gov/.
- Hunter Education: Program is mandatory for hunters born after June 30, 1979, voluntary for others. Courses are available locally free of charge. For upcoming classes in your area, call 1-800-277-4301
- Hunting Rules and Regulations: For private and public lands, large and small game, refer to the annual Rules and Regulations brochure. Call 803-734-3886 or look on our website at http://www.sc.dnr.gov/regulations.html.
- Hurricanes: For historic data, National Weather Service predictions and safety information, contact S.C. Climatology Office at 803-734-9100.
- Hydrologic Information: The Land, Water and Conservation Division maintains a database of the state’s hydrology, geology (including geophysical logs) and water quality data. All records are available in paper files and some are available in digital format. Contact the Land, Water and Conservation Division at 803-734-9100.
- Hydrologic Investigations: A number of Land, Water and Conservation Division technical reports, describing the conditions of the water resources in the state county-by-county or as a whole, are available and are free of charge for the general public. Contact the Land, Water and Conservation Division at 803-734-9100.
- Hydrologic Studies: The Land, Water and Conservation Division develops multi-agency projects–in cooperation with other local, state, and federal agencies, universities and private industry–to provide leadership and practical solutions to the state’s water issues, such as floods, droughts, saltwater intrusion, conflicting water usage and water conservation. Contact regional offices for the area of interest: Blue Ridge and Piedmont Provinces: 864-664-1671, ext. 37; Upper and Middle Coastal Plain Provinces: 803-734-9100; Lower Coastal Plain Province: 843-953-9334.
- Injured and Orphaned Wildlife: Contact a local DNR Wildlife Management Office or Wildlife Rehabilitator (see Wildlife Rehabilitators Registry on DNR website).
- Internet Address: The DNR Worldwide Web Home Page address is http://www.dnr.sc.gov. Visit to find agency news releases, weather data, a children’s page, fishing reports, job vacancies, telephone listings, readers’ outdoor forums, education programs, printable forms and applications, DNR publications and more.
- Junior Duck Stamp: See Duck Stamp, Junior Contest.
- Land Resources Planning: DNR offers information and assistance for land and related resource planning through the Land, Water and Conservation Division. Call 803-734-9100. For geologic aspects, call S.C. Geological Survey at 803-896-7714.
- Landowner Assistance: Technical assistance is valuable to landowners interested in enhancing their property for wildlife. Contact a local Wildlife Management office or write Wildlife Management Section, PO Box 167, Columbia, SC 29202. or call 803-734-3887.
- Landscape Architect Registration: Individuals and businesses must be registered to advertise as landscape architects or practice landscape architecture in S.C. Call 803-734-9131.
- Licenses by Phone: Purchase hunting and fishing licenses by phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A $3.00 convenience fee will be added that the DNR does not retain. Call toll free: 1-888-824-7472.
- Licenses, Permits, Tags, Stamps: To find the nearest point of sales or check on prices of hunting and fishing licenses, stamps, trotline tags, etc., call 803 734-3833 in Columbia or 843-953-9301 in Charleston Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. You may review Point of Sales hunting and fishing agent locations by visiting the DNR website at: http://www.dnr.sc.gov/purchase.html or review hunting and fishing license prices at: http://www.dnr.sc.gov/licensing.html. Lifetime Licenses, Senior and Gratis Licenses for hunting and fishing: Several types of lifetime licenses for different age groups and benefit levels are available to South Carolina residents. Call (803) 734-3833. Lifetime, Senior and Gratis License applications can be printed by visiting the DNR website at: http://www.dnr.sc.gov/licensing.html.
- Liquefaction: Contact S.C. Geological Survey at 803-896-7714.
- Litter Pickup: See Beach Sweep/River Sweep.
- Magazine, South Carolina Wildlife: See South Carolina Wildlife magazine.
- Maps, Geologic: Digital map products and other geology maps are available at a variety of scales. Call S.C. Geological Survey at 803-896-7714.
- Maps of Wildlife Management Areas: See Wildlife Management Areas. See Heritage Preserves.
- Mariculture: Waddell Mariculture Center in Bluffton. For information and to schedule tours, call 843-837-3795.
- Marine Research: Broad-based research is conducted by the DNR Marine Resources Research Institute for recreationally and commercially important species of marine life. For information, call 843-953-9818 in Charleston.
- Marine Resources Permits: DNR Marine Resources Division issues conditional permits for a variety of activities including commercial harvesting (including sharks, crabs and shellfish), scientific collection, exploratory, educational or commercial display. Call 843-953-9311 in Charleston.
- Mineral Resources: S.C. Geological Survey provides information on S.C. mineral resources. Call 803-896-7714. See Rocks.
- Nature Trails: A number of self-guided trails are available on DNR lands and facilities. See Heritage Preserves; Fishing, State Lakes; Wildlife Management Areas; and Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries in division listings. Visit https://www.dnr.sc.gov/mlands/lookup/ for a listing of DNR public lands.
- News Releases, DNR: Weekly news articles and accompanying photographs are posted on the DNR website at http://www.dnr.sc.gov. For more information call 803-734-3886.
- Non-Game Fish tags: Nongame fishing devices are allowed for catching catfish and other nongame fish in certain impoundments and rivers. Tags required. Regulations are specific to water body. Call 803-734-3833 in Columbia or 843-953-9301 in Charleston, Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Refer to Rules and Regulations brochure for details. See Licensing.
- Operation Coast Watch: To report coastal boating and saltwater fishing violations, call 1-800-922-5431, 24-hour, toll-free hotline. Rewards are offered for information that brings an arrest. Operation Game Thief: To report violation of hunting or fishing laws, or to contact natural resources officers during emergencies, call 1-800-922-5431, 24-hour, toll-free hotline. Rewards are offered for information that brings an arrest.
- Oysters: See Shellfishing.
- Palmetto Sportsmen’s Classic: An annual hunting, fishing and outdoors show held at the State Fairgrounds in Columbia in late March, highlighting department programs and services and general outdoors enjoyment. Call 803-734-4008 or visit the website at http://www.psclassic.com.
- Picnic Areas: See Fishing, State Fishing Lakes.
- Plants and Animals, Nuisance Aquatic: DNR manages growth of noxious aquatic weeds and animal species in public waters by coordinating a statewide control program in major lakes and issuing information to curb spread of aquatic weeds and organisms. Call the Land, Water and Conservation Division at 803-734-9100.
- Pollution: To report fish kills, call the DNR at 1-800-922-5431.
- Posters: See South Carolina Wildlife magazine, Marine Resources Division, Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division and Endangered Species.
- Project WILD, Aquatic Project WILD: DNR trains teachers and provides materials for this interdisciplinary environmental and conservation education program which supplements K-12 curriculum in most subject areas. For information call 803-734-3885 in Columbia. See Education Programs.
- Property Watch Program: Utilizes custom handbooks, permission cards and “No Tresspass” signs with DNR and Operation Game Thief logos to assist landowners, leaseholders and clubs with property protection. Call the Records and Intelligence Section of the Law Enforcement Division at 803-734-4002. Records, Deer: See Deer Records.
- Records, Fish, Freshwater: See Fish Records, Freshwater.
- Records, Fish, Marine: See Fish Records, Saltwater.
- Reefs, Artificial: DNR maintains a system of artificial fishing reefs in the state’s coastal and marine waters. A list of reefs and wrecks with map and GPS coordinates is available. Call Marine Resources 843-953-9300 in Charleston or visit the DNR website. Contact South Carolina Wildlife magazine to purchase the current year's edition of Tides & Times with tide and sun tables and complete artificial reefs and wrecks listing. Call 803-734-3944.
- Reel Art: Fish art contest for South Carolina students grades K-12. Judging takes place in March and artwork will be displayed at the Palmetto Sportsmen’s Classic. There are 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Honorable Mention winners in 4 different age categories as well as an overall Best of Show award. Prizes are awarded to all students who participate. Call 803-737-8483 for details or check the web at screelkids. dnr.sc.gov/ReelArt for more details.
- Rivers, Scenic: DNR administers the South Carolina Scenic Rivers Program. Portions of ten rivers - Middle Saluda in Caesar's Head State Park in Greenville County; Broad River in Cherokee & York counties; Catawba River in York, Lancaster, and Chester counties; Lower Saluda River in Lexington and Richland counties; Lynches River in Lee, Florence, Sumter and Darlington counties; Little Pee Dee River in Marion & Horry counties as well as a section in Dillon County; Great Pee Dee River in Florence, Marion, Williamsburg, Horry, and Georgetown counties; Black River in Clarendon, Williamsburg, and Georgetown counties; and the Ashley River in Charleston and Dorchester counties - are designated. Call the Land, Water and Conservation Division at 803-734-9100 in Columbia.
- Rocks: For information about economic development of industrial mineral deposits, assistance with identification of rocks and minerals and sales of S.C. Mineral and Rocks Kit and booklet, call S.C. Geological Survey at 803-896-7714.
- Scientific Collecting Permits: For freshwater fish, call 803-734-3891; for wildlife, call 803-734-3887; for marine species, call 843-953-9311 in Charleston.
- Sediments: For information about clay, sand, carbonate, kaolinite and fill deposits, contact S.C. Geological Survey at 803-896-7714.
- Senior Citizens, Special Licenses: Gratis hunting and fishing licenses are issued to state residents 65 or older. Call 803-734-3838 in Columbia.
- Shooting Preserves: For a list of public hunting preserves and licensing, call DNR Small Game at 803-734-3609.
- Shellfishing: DNR regulates the commercial and recreational harvest of oysters, clams, shrimp, crabs and other shellfish by seasons, limits and gear restrictions. Maps of public grounds for the harvest of oysters and clams are available on our website. For information on recreational shellfishing, refer to annual Rules and Regulations brochure, web address: http://www.dnr.sc.gov/fish.html, or call Marine Resources at 843-953-9300 in Charleston.
- Shrimping: For recreational seasons, limits and gear restrictions, refer to annual Rules and Regulations brochure, DNR Internet address or call 843-953-9393 in Charleston. For commercial regulations and licenses, call 843-953-9032 in Charleston. See Shellfishing.
- Sinkholes: For information on sinkholes, contact SC Geological Survey at 803-896-7714.
- Soil Classifiers Registration: Individuals in S.C. must be registered to advertise as soil classifiers and to practice soil classification. Call 803-734-9131.
- South Carolina Geology Journal: A refereed, professional journal describing state's geologic features. Subscriptions are $18/year. Call S.C. Geological Survey at 803-896-7714.
- South Carolina Reel Kids: SC Reel Kids introduces youth to South Carolina’s aquatic world through fishing, learning about fish habitats and aquatic conservation. Youth (under age 16) achieve goals and receive prizes for each accomplishment. Sign up to be a SC Reel Kid by visiting screelkids.dnr.sc.gov or by calling (803) 737-8483.
- South Carolina Wildlife Magazine: Official conservation magazine of the SCDNR, published six times annually. Subscriptions are $18 for one year, $30 for two years. Products include Sportsmen’s Calendar, color posters, T-shirts, caps, books, nature guides, Tides & Times (tide and sun tables and artificial reefs) and others. Credit cards are accepted. Call South Carolina Wildlife at 803-734-3944 or 1-888-644-WILD (9453).
- South Carolina Wildlife Magazine Shop: The SCW Magazine Shop provides financial support for the SCW magazine and other education and outreach programs. The Shop offers a full range of merchandise including clothes for adults and children, books and guides, products for home and garden and the ever-popular SC-themed posters. The Shop has a retail location in Columbia at DNR Headquarters at 1000 Assembly Street. Purchases may also be made via phone, mail and fax. Call 888-644-9453 (toll free) and 803-734-3944.
- Subsurface Geological Information: See Core Repository. For drill hole information about the coastal plain, contact SC Geological Survey at 803-896-7714.
- Sunrise-Sunset Times: See South Carolina Wildlife Magazine which annually publishes Tides & Times with tide and sun tables, plus complete listing of S.C. artificial reef and wreck locations. Call 803-734-3957.
- Take One Make One™: DNR outdoor education and mentoring program for ages 12 to 27. Program designed to offer outdoor opportunities to youth and young adults for one season or longer. Call 1-800-277-4301 for more information.
- Tagging: See Fish Tagging. See Freshwater Fisheries Section or Marine Resources Division in division listings.
- Tide Tables: See South Carolina Wildlife magazine which annually publishes Tides & Times with tide and sun tables plus complete listing of S.C. artificial reef and wreck locations. Call 803-734-3957 or 888-644-9453.
- Tornadoes: For historic data and safety information, contact the S.C. Climatology Office at 803-734-9100.
- Tours of Department Facilities & Areas: See Fish Hatcheries. See Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division or Marine Resources in division listings.
- Trails, Nature: See Nature Trails.
- Trappers: For a list of nuisance wildlife control operators, call Furbearer Program at 803-734-3609.
- Trapping: For information on trapping or trapper education, contact Furbearer Program at 803-734-3609.
- Traps, Fish: See Trotline.
- Trotline: This and other nongame fishing devices are allowed for catching catfish and other nongame fish in certain impoundments and rivers. Tags required. Regulations are specific to water body. Call 803-734-3833 in Columbia or 843-762-5000 in Charleston, Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Refer to Rules and Regulations brochure for details. See Licensing.
- Turkey Season: Free tags are available in March for spring season. Call 803-734-3886 or local Wildlife Management offices.
- Turtles, Sea: To report stranded or injured turtles or marine mammals, call 800-922-5431.
- Water Conservation: For tips on how to conserve water in the home or outdoors, contact the Land, Water and Conservation Division at 803-734-9100 or visit http://www.dnr.sc.gov/climate/sco/Drought/drought_current_info.php.
- Water Quality: See Land, Water and Conservation Division in division/program listings.
- Weather: See Climatology Office, State. Web Site: http://www.dnr.sc.gov
- Watershed Conservation: DNR provides information and assistance on managing natural resources on a watershed basis rather than an individual site basis. A watershed is the land area that drains into a stream, river, lake or its tributaries. Call Land, Water and Conservation Division at 803-734-9100.
- Whales, Marine Mammals in Distress or Dead: To report distressed or stranded animals along the S.C. coast, call 800-922-5431.
- Wildlife Control: Contact a local DNR Regional Office. See Trappers.
- Wildlife Identification: For assistance in identifying unknown birds, wildlife and inland fish species, contact your local DNR Regional Office. For saltwater and estuarine species, call Marine Resources at 843-953-9300.
- Wildlife Magazine: See South Carolina Wildlife Magazine.
- Wildlife Magazine Shop: See South Carolina Wildlife Magazine.
- Wildlife Management Areas: This program offers about 1.1 million acres for the enjoyment of wildlife enthusiasts. To obtain maps, seasons, regulations and other information, write WMA Regulations, PO Box 167, Columbia, SC 29202 or call 803-734-3886 or your local DNR Regional Office.
- Youth Programs: See Camp Wildwood. See Education. See Take One Make One™. See SC Reel Kids. For information on special Youth and Parent-Child Fishing and Hunting events, call 803-734-3885 or your local DNR Regional Office.
Select History in South Carolina Natural Resources
- 1726 - The first wildlife protection legislation was written. Under Colonial Law, the use of poisons to take "great quantities of fish" became illegal.
- 1826 - The earliest state-sponsored work of a geologic nature in South Carolina was a 1-year "Geological and Mineralogical Survey of South Carolina" made in 1825-26 by Lardner Vanexum by order of the Legislature.
- 1878 - Legislation authorizing the governor to appoint a "suitable person" to act as Fish Commissioner was enacted. Fish wardens were appointed in every county.
- 1905 - Provisions were made for each of the state’s forty-six counties to have game wardens. They drew no salary, but received one half of the fines they collected and one half of the fees of the non-resident licenses they sold.
- 1906 - The South Carolina General Assembly created the State Board of Fisheries and charged it with the general supervision of commercial and tidal fishing along South Carolina’s coast.
- 1928 - A hunting license law was established in South Carolina.
- 1947 - The first biologist was hired by the Wildlife Department.
- 1967 - The first artificial reef, with state involvement, was established 10 miles off of Kiawah Island.
- 1988 - The start of the ACE Basin Project. The ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve was dedicated in 1992 to increasing knowledge and awareness of estuarine habitats through research, monitoring activities and public education.
- 1998 - The DNR, with the help of Duke Energy, the Richard King Mellon Foundation, and the Conservation Fund purchased the 32,000 acre Jocassee Gorges tract, a most significant habitat protection project on the Blue Ridge Escarpment.
Detailed history timeline