Song of Blades and Heroes
Song of Blades and Heroes is a tabletop war gaming skirmishing game set of fast play fantasy
Fantasy is a genre of fiction that commonly uses magic and other supernatural phenomena as a primary element of plot, theme, or setting. Many works within the genre take place in imaginary worlds where magic is common...

 rules that can be played with generic fantasy figures or model soldiers called “miniatures”.
The game uses three measuring sticks to measure all distances, and the average game lasts 30-45 minutes. A small campaign
Military campaign
In the military sciences, the term military campaign applies to large scale, long duration, significant military strategy plan incorporating a series of inter-related military operations or battles forming a distinct part of a larger conflict often called a war...

, a series of linked games played using the same miniatures, can be played in a single evening.


The Song of Blades and Heroes rules (4th edition ) was created by Andrea Sfiligoi of Ganesha Games in 2007


Song of Blades and Heroes uses three six-sided dice per player to determine the outcome of a characters actions. Each character utilizes basic statistic points, Quality, Combat and Special Abilities. Points refer to how many points it costs to use the character within the game. Quality statistic is used to roll against for actions. Combat is the statistic you add to a six-sided dice roll when performing a Melee or Ranged Combat. Special Abilities cover any Special Abilities that the character may have.
Players take alternate turns in activating models from their warbands. The miniature's are activated one at a time. The player can choose to roll one, two or three dice versus the mminiature’s Quality. A successful roll entitles the player to make an action, such as an attack or a move. If two or more failures are rolled, play will then pass to the opponent.

Three expansions supplements have been developed Song of Gold and Darkness , Song of Wind and Water and Song of Deeds and Glory.
In 2008, Song of Blades and Heroes was nominated for the Origins Award
Origins Award
The Origins Awards are American awards for outstanding work in the game industry. They are presented by the Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design at the Origins Game Fair on an annual basis for the previous year, so the 1979 awards were given at the 1980 Origins.The Origins Award is commonly...

as “Best Miniature Rules”

External links

Official Song of Blades and Heroes site

Review of Song of Blades and Heroes - RPGnet
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