SOLIDAR is a European network of NGOs working to advance social justice in Europe and worldwide. SOLIDAR voices the concerns of its member organisations to the EU and international institutions across the policy sectors social affairs, international cooperation and lifelong learning.
With 52 member organisations active in 90 countries worldwide, SOLIDAR works in cooperation with its members, trade unions, political institutions and civil society actors. SOLIDAR aims to influence policy at EU and international level and link members together to learn from each other and carry out projects.
With 52 member organisations active in 90 countries worldwide, SOLIDAR works in cooperation with its members, trade unions, political institutions and civil society actors. SOLIDAR aims to influence policy at EU and international level and link members together to learn from each other and carry out projects.
In 2010, SOLIDAR's Full Member Organisations are
- ABF, Arbetarnas Bildningsförbund
- ACPP, Assamblea de Cooperacion por la Paz, Spain
- ASB, Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, Germany
- ASB, Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, Austria
- Arci, Italy
- AUSER, Italy
- AWO, Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bundesverband e.V., Germany
- AWO International, Germany
- Baltic Platform comprising:
- JMC, Johannes Mihkelson Centre, Estonia
- Riga Education & Science Workers Trade Union, Latvia
- LLES, Lithuanian Labour Education Society
- CSV, Community Service VolunteersCommunity Service VolunteersCommunity Service Volunteers is the UK's largest volunteering and training charity.CSV was founded in 1962 by Mora and Alec Dickson, who also founded Voluntary Service Overseas . In the 2004/2005 financial year, CSV had six operating companies with a total expenditure of £43 million, employing 944...
, UK - FCD Solidarité Socialiste, Belgium
- FOS, Fonds voor Ontwikkelingssalmenwerking, Belgium
- Féderation Européenne de l’Education et la Culture, France
- Federation Nationale Leo Lagrange, France
- FIC, Fagligt Internationalt Center, Denmark
- Humanitas, The Netherlands
- IFWEA, International Federation of Workers’ Education Association
- ISCOD, Instituto Sindical de Cooperacion al Desarrollo, Spain
- ISCOS, Istituto Sindacale di Cooperazione allo Sviluppo, Italy
- ISF, International Solidarity Foundation, Finland
- La Ligue de l'Enseignement, France
- Lega Provinciale Cooperative Bolzano, Italy
- MPDL, Movimiento por la Paz, el Desarme y la Libertad, Spain
- NPA, Norwegian People’s Aid
- Olof Palme International CenterOlof Palme International CenterThe Olof Palme International Center is a Swedish non-governmental organization with ties to the national labour movement, working with international development, co-operation and the forming of public opinion surrounding international political and security issues...
, Sweden - Progetto Sviluppo, Italy
- Progetto Sud, Italy
- Solidar Suisse/Swiss Labour Assistance, Switzerland
- SASK, Trade Union Solidarity Centre of Finland
- Solidaridad Internacional, Spain
- Solidarité Laïque, France
- TSL, Workers’ Educational Association, Finland
- UNALG, Union Nationale des Associations Laïques Gestionnaires, France
- UNISONUNISONUNISON is the largest trade union in the United Kingdom with over 1.3 million members.The union was formed in 1993 when three public sector trade unions, the National and Local Government Officers Association , the National Union of Public Employees and the Confederation of Health Service...
, UK - Volkshilfe Österreich Bundesverband, Austria
- War On WantWar on WantWar on Want is an anti-poverty charity based in London, England. It seeks to highlight the needs of poverty-stricken areas around the world and lobbies governments and international agencies to tackle problems as well as raising public awareness of the concerns of developing nations while...
, UK
In 2010, SOLIDAR's Affiliated Member Organisations are
- Ado Sah Rom, Romania
- APHEDA Union Aid Abroad, Australia
- Banana Link, UK
- COCIS, Italy
- DGB Bildungswerk, Germany
- FEPS, Foundation for European Progressive Studies, EU
- Forum Solidarni Dla Postepu, Poland
- IED Instituto de Estudios para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
- ISS, Germany
- Narodna Dopomoha, Ukraine
- One World ActionOne World ActionOne World Action is a charity based in London whose aims are a world free from poverty and oppression, where strong democracies safeguard people's rights....
, UK - OGB Solidarité Syndicale, Luxembourg
- Pour La Solidarité, Belgium
- Rada Pro Mezinarodni Vztahy, Czech Republic
- Samaritan International, International
- SOS Malta, Malta
External links
- http://www.solidar.org
- European Voice: Social Spending Should be Protected (17/06/2010)
- European Voice: Jobs Alone Will not Eradicate Poverty (08/04/2010)
- EU Observer: EU Completes Trade Talks with Peru and Colombia (02/03/2010)