Sobusa Gula-Ndebele
Sobusa Gula-Ndebele is the former Attorney-General of Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe is a landlocked country located in the southern part of the African continent, between the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers. It is bordered by South Africa to the south, Botswana to the southwest, Zambia and a tip of Namibia to the northwest and Mozambique to the east. Zimbabwe has three...

. He was appointed to the position in 2006 by Robert Mugabe
Robert Mugabe
Robert Gabriel Mugabe is the President of Zimbabwe. As one of the leaders of the liberation movement against white-minority rule, he was elected into power in 1980...

, and his mandate was briefly renewed in 2007. However, following ZANU-PF infighting, Gula-Ndebele was placed on a period of suspension in March 2007, before being dismissed from office in May 2008. He was succeeded by Justice Bharat Patel
Bharat Patel
Bharat Patel was born on the 16th of April 1952 in Salisbury, Rhodesia . He completed his primary education at a government school and secondary education at two private schools...

, who served as acting AG until Mugabe appointed Johannes Tomana
Johannes Tomana
Johannes Tomana is a Zimbabwean attorney and the current Attorney-General, appointed to the position by Robert Mugabe on December 18, 2008. He previously served as deputy Attorney-General under Sobusa Gula-Ndebele from 2006 to May 2008 . Gula-Ndebele was dismissed from his post following infighting...

as the permanent Attorney-General in December.

Gula-Ndebele is a retired army colonel who was among the country's feared military intelligence supremos in the 1980s. After independence, he practiced as a lawyer, establishing the law firm Gula-Ndebele and Partners Legal Practitioners. He is a former chairman of the Electoral Supervisory Commission.
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