Slovak National Council's Declaration of Independence of the Slovak Nation
The Slovak National Council's Declaration of Independence of the Slovak Nation was a resolution of the Slovak National Council
on 17 July 1992, by which members of the Council demanded Slovakia's independence. This event was part of a process, which finished with the dissolution of Czechoslovakia
and creation of an independent Slovakia
on 1 January 1993.
The text of the declaration in Slovak:
English translation:
Slovak National Council
The Slovak National Council is the name of different types of supreme bodies in the history of Slovakia. They existed within the Kingdom of Hungary, Czechoslovakia or the Slovak Republic or were bodies of Slovak exiles:...
on 17 July 1992, by which members of the Council demanded Slovakia's independence. This event was part of a process, which finished with the dissolution of Czechoslovakia
Dissolution of Czechoslovakia
The dissolution of Czechoslovakia, which took effect on 1 January 1993, was an event that saw the self-determined separation of the federal state of Czechoslovakia. The Czech Republic and Slovakia, entities which had arisen in 1969 within the framework of Czechoslovak federalisation, became...
and creation of an independent Slovakia
The Slovak Republic is a landlocked state in Central Europe. It has a population of over five million and an area of about . Slovakia is bordered by the Czech Republic and Austria to the west, Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east and Hungary to the south...
on 1 January 1993.
The text of the declaration in Slovak:
My, demokraticky zvolená Slovenská národná rada, slávnostne vyhlasujeme, že tisícročné úsilie slovenského národa o svojbytnosť sa naplnilo. V tejto historickej chvíli deklarujeme prirodzené právo slovenského národa na sebaurčenie tak, ako to zakotvujú aj všetky medzinárodné dohody a zmluvy o práve národov na sebaurčenie. Uznávajúc právo národov na sebaurčenie, vyhlasujeme, že aj my si chceme slobodne utvárať spôsob a formu národného a štátneho života, pričom budeme rešpektovať práva všetkých, každého občana, národov, národnostných menšín a etnických skupín, demokratické a humanistické odkazy Európy a sveta. Touto deklaráciou Slovenská národná rada vyhlasuje zvrchovanosť Slovenskej republiky ako základ suverénneho štátu slovenského národa. Bratislava 17. júl 1992 |
English translation:
We, the democratically elected Slovak National Council, solemnly declare that the thousand years' struggle of Slovak nation for independence ("self-standing") has been fulfilled. In this historical moment, we declare the natural right of the Slovak nation for self-determination, as embodied by all international agreements and treaties about the right of nations for self-determination. Recognizing the right of nations for self-determination, we declare, that we also want to freely create the way and form of national and state life, while respecting the rights of everybody, all citizens, nations, national minorities, ethnic groups, the democratic and humanist legacy of Europe and of the world. By this declaration, the Slovak National Council declares sovereignty of the Slovak Republic as a basis for a sovereign state of the Slovak nation. Bratislava, 17 July 1992 |