Sketches New and Old

Mark Twain
Samuel Langhorne Clemens , better known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American author and humorist...
. It was published in 1875. It includes the short story "A Ghost Story", among others.
- Preface
- My Watch
- Political Economy
- The Jumping Frog
- Journalism in Tennessee
- The Story of the Bad Little Boy
- The Story of the Good Little Boy
- A Couple of Poems by Twain and Moore
- Niagara
- Answers to Correspondents
- To Raise Poultry
- Experience of the McWilliamses with Membranous Croup
- My First Literary Venture
- How the Author Was Sold in Newark
- The Office Bore
- Johnny Greer
- The Facts in the Case of the Great Beef Contract
- The Case of George Fisher
- Disgraceful Persecution of a Boy
- The Judges "Spirited Woman"
- Information Wanted
- Some Learned Fables, for Good Old Boys and Girls
- My Late Senatorial Secretaryship
- A Fashion Item
- Riley-Newspaper Correspondent
- A Fine Old Man
- Science vs. Luck
- The Late Benjamin Franklin
- Mr. Bloke's Item
- A Medieval Romance
- Petition Concerning Copyright
- After-Dinner Speech
- Lionizing Murderers
- A New Crime
- A Curious Dream
- A True Story
- The Siamese Twins
- Speech at the Scottish Banquet in London
- A Ghost Story
- The Capitoline Venus
- Speech on Accident Insurance
- John Chinaman in New York
- How I Edited an Agricultural Paper
- The Petrified Man
- My Bloody Massacre
- The Undertaker's Chat
- Concerning Chambermaids
- Aurelia's Unfortunate Young Man
- "After" Jenkins
- About Barbers
- "Party Cries" in Ireland
- The Facts Concerning the Recent Resignation
- History Repeats Itself
- Honored as a Curiosity
- First Interview with Artemus Ward
- Cannibalism in the Cars* The Killing of Julius Caesar "Localized"
- The Widow's Protest
- The Scriptual Panoramist
- Curing a Cold
- A Curious Pleasure Excursion
- Running for Governor
- A Mysterious Visit