Simon Dalby
Simon Dalby is an Irish born academic, currently a Professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at Carleton University
Carleton University
Carleton University is a comprehensive university located in the capital of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. The enabling legislation is The Carleton University Act, 1952, S.O. 1952. Founded as a small college in 1942, Carleton now offers over 65 programs in a diverse range of disciplines. Carleton has...

. Dalby is a leading figure in the disciplines of environmental security
Environmental security
Environmental security examines the threat posed by environmental events and trends to national power, as well as the impact of human conflict and international relations on the environment....

 and critical geopolitics
Critical geopolitics
The basic concept behind Geopolitics is that intellectuals of statecraft construct ideas about places, these ideas have influence and reinforce their political behaviors and policy choices, and these ideas affect how we, the people, process our own notions of places and politics.Critical...

. He has authored the book Environmental Security (Minnesota, 2002) and coeditor of The Geopolitics Reader (Routledge, 2006).

External links

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