Silistea, Constanta
Siliştea is a commune in Constanţa County
Constanta County
Constanța is the name of a county in the Dobruja region of Romania. Its capital city is also named Constanța.-Demographics:In 2002, it had a population of 715,151 and the population density was 101/km². The degree of urbanization is much higher than the Romanian average. In recent years the...

, Romania
Romania is a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, on the Lower Danube, within and outside the Carpathian arch, bordering on the Black Sea...


The commune includes two villages:
  • Siliştea (historical name: Taşpunor)
  • Ţepeş Vodă (historical names: Chiorcişme, Chior-Cişmea) - named after Vlad III the Impaler
    Vlad III the Impaler
    Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia , also known by his patronymic Dracula , and posthumously dubbed Vlad the Impaler , was a three-time Voivode of Wallachia, ruling mainly from 1456 to 1462, the period of the incipient Ottoman conquest of the Balkans...

    (Vlad Ţepeş in the common Romanian reference)
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