Sidra is a village in Poland.Sidra may also refer to:* Gulf of Sidra, a body of water in the Mediterranean Sea on the northern coast of Libya* Sidra, Libya* Cucurbita ficifolia* CiderIn Judaism:* The Weekly Torah portion in Judaism....

is a village in Poland.

Sidra may also refer to:
  • Gulf of Sidra
    Gulf of Sidra
    Gulf of Sidra is a body of water in the Mediterranean Sea on the northern coast of Libya; it is also known as Gulf of Sirte or the Great Sirte or Greater Syrtis .- Geography :The Gulf of Sidra has been a major centre for tuna fishing in the Mediterranean for centuries...

    , a body of water in the Mediterranean Sea on the northern coast of Libya
  • Sidra, Libya
  • Cucurbita ficifolia
    Cucurbita ficifolia
    Cucurbita ficifolia is a type of squash grown for its edible seeds, fruit, and greens. Although it is closely related to other squashes in its genus, it shows considerable biochemical difference from them and does not hybridize readily with them....

  • Cider
    Cider or cyder is a fermented alcoholic beverage made from apple juice. Cider varies in alcohol content from 2% abv to 8.5% abv or more in traditional English ciders. In some regions, such as Germany and America, cider may be termed "apple wine"...

In Judaism:
  • The Weekly Torah portion in Judaism.
  • A variation on Seder
    Seder (Bible)
    A seder is part of a biblical book in the masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible.The division of the Torah into roughly 150 sedarim is related to the Babylonian Jewish tradition of a triennial cycle for Torah reading....

    , a subdivision of the biblical books in the masoretic text.
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