was a after Kōan and before Einin
was a after Shōō and before Shōan. This period spanned the years from August 1293 through April 1299. The reigning emperors were and .-Change of era:* 1298 : The new era name was created to mark an event or a number of events...

This period spanned the years from April 1288 through August 1293. The reigning emperor was .

Change of era

  • 1288 : The new era name was created to mark an event or a number of events. The previous era ended and a new one commenced in Kōan 11.

Events of the Shōō era

  • 1288 (Shōō 1, 15th day of the 3rd month): The accession of Emperor Fushimi took place.
  • 1288 (Shōō 1): Oracles of the three deities — Amaterasu, Hachiman and Kasuga appeared on the surface of the pond at Todaiji in Nara.

External links

Shōō 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Gregorian calendar
The Gregorian calendar, also known as the Western calendar, or Christian calendar, is the internationally accepted civil calendar. It was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII, after whom the calendar was named, by a decree signed on 24 February 1582, a papal bull known by its opening words Inter...

1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293

Preceded by:

Era or nengō
Japanese era name
The Japanese era calendar scheme is a common calendar scheme used in Japan, which identifies a year by the combination of the and the year number within the era...


Succeeded by:
was a after Shōō and before Shōan. This period spanned the years from August 1293 through April 1299. The reigning emperors were and .-Change of era:* 1298 : The new era name was created to mark an event or a number of events...

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