Shingo Kobayashi
is a Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

ese animator and producer.


  • Chibi Maruko-chan
    Chibi Maruko-chan
    is a shōjo manga series by Momoko Sakura, later adapted into an anime TV series by Nippon Animation, which originally aired on Fuji Television from January 7, 1990 to September 27, 1992. The series depicts the simple, everyday life of a little girl nicknamed Maruko and her family in suburban...

    (1995), Photography
  • Cyborg Kuro-chan
    Cyborg Kuro-chan
    is a shōnen manga series created by Naoki Yokōchi, serialized in Kodansha's Comic BonBon magazine. Eleven volumes of the manga were released between 1998 and 2002. It centers around the titular character, a housecat who is kidnapped and modified by a mad scientist to be a part of a cyborg army bent...

    (1999), Director of Photography
  • Zoids: New Century Zero (2001), Digital Director
  • Pretear
    , also called Prétear - The New Legend of Snow White, is a manga series written by Junichi Sato and illustrated by Kaori Naruse. Spanning four volumes, the manga series was originally published in Japan by Kadokawa Shoten from May 2000 through July 2001...

    (2001), Key Animation (eps 2, 9)
  • Stellvia (2003), CG Production (Studio Galapagos)
  • Avenger
    Avenger (anime)
    - External links :*...

    (2003), Key Animation (eps 4, 11)
  • D.I.C.E. (2005), Production Supervision (3D CG)
  • Genesis of Aquarion
    Genesis of Aquarion
    is an anime TV series written and directed by Shoji Kawamori, produced by Satelight.The science fiction series is a homage to the Super Robot shows of the 1970s and 1980s, executed with modern animation techniques and aesthetics...

    (2005), Key Animation (eps 2, 12, 16)
  • Honey and Clover
    Honey and Clover
    is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Chika Umino. It is also known as and H&C. It is published by Shueisha, initially serialized from June 2000 to July 2006 in the magazines CUTiEcomic, Young YOU, and Chorus, and collected in ten bound volumes...

    (2005), Key Animation
  • Eureka Seven
    Eureka Seven
    Eureka Seven, known in Japan as , is a mecha anime TV series by Bones. Eureka Seven tells the story of Renton Thurston and the outlaw group Gekkostate, his relationship with the enigmatic mecha pilot Eureka, and the mystery of the Coralians....

    (2005), Key Animation (eps 5, 11)
  • Noein: To Your Other Self (2005), Key Animation (ep 23)
  • Bokura ga Ita
    Bokura ga Ita
    is an on-going Japanese romance manga by Yuki Obata, centering around the high school life of freshman girl, Nanami Takahashi. It has been serialized in Betsucomi since 2002. The series went on hiatus in early 2008, but resumed publication in June 2009. The series is licensed for an English...

    (2006), Photography
  • Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple
    Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple
    is a Japanese manga by Syun Matsuena serialized in the weekly manga magazine Shōnen Sunday.The first tankōbon was published on August 9, 2002...

    (2006), Photography
  • Inuyasha: The Final Act (2009), Photography (Ace Creation)


  • Doraemon: Nobita and the Birth of Japan (1989), Photography
  • One Piece The Movie: Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals (2002), Key Animation
  • One Piece The Movie: Dead End no Bōken (2003), Key Animation
  • Detective Conan: Crossroad in the Ancient Capital (2003), Photography Assistant (Ace Creation)
  • Detective Conan: Magician of the Silver Sky (2004), Photography Assistant (Ace Creation)
  • Air
    Air (film)
    Air is a 2005 Japanese animated drama film directed by Osamu Dezaki and written by Makoto Nakamura based on the visual novel Air by Key. Originally, the film was set for a release date in autumn 2004, but was delayed; the film finally premiered in Japanese theaters on February 5, 2005...

    (2005), Key Animation
  • Pokémon: The Rise of Darkrai (2007), CGI Assistance (Studio Galapagos)

Original video animations

  • Animation Runner Kuromi
    Animation Runner Kuromi
    is an OVA Anime film produced by Yumeta Co; part 1 in 2001 and part 2 in 2004. It is a parody of the anime production business itself. It was released on DVD in North America by Central Park Media.-Animation Runner Kuromi 1:...

    (2001), Photography Assistant (Ace Creation)
  • Detective Conan: 16 Suspects (2002), Photography

External links

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