In surgery, the shelving is the fascia
A fascia is a layer of fibrous tissue that permeates the human body. A fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds muscles, groups of muscles, blood vessels, and nerves, binding those structures together in much the same manner as plastic wrap can be used to hold the contents of sandwiches...

 between the inguinal ligament
Inguinal ligament
The inguinal ligament is a band running from the pubic tubercle to the anterior superior iliac spine. Its anatomy is very important for operating on hernia patients.-Anatomy:...

s and above the pubic symphysis
Pubic symphysis
The pubic symphysis or symphysis pubis is the midline cartilaginous joint uniting the superior rami of the left and right pubic bones. It is located anterior to the urinary bladder and superior to the external genitalia; for females it is above the vulva and for males it is above the penis...

. It is the natural extension of the transversalis fascia
Transversalis fascia
The transversalis fascia is a thin aponeurotic membrane which lies between the inner surface of the Transversus abdominis and the extraperitoneal fascia....

. It is rarely incised, but a surgeon working in the belly will often park a handy instrument or two there, reducing the constant back-and-forth of tools with the scrub tech.

In the literature, hernia repairs commonly include mention of suturing to the "shelving edge of the inguinal ligament".
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