The shangjuan, or Ichang lemon (Citrus ichangensis × C. maxima
The pomelo is a citrus fruit native to Southeast Asia. It is usually pale green to yellow when ripe, with sweet white flesh and very thick albedo . It is the largest citrus fruit, 15–25 cm in diameter, and usually weighing 1–2 kg...

, is a citrus
Citrus is a common term and genus of flowering plants in the rue family, Rutaceae. Citrus is believed to have originated in the part of Southeast Asia bordered by Northeastern India, Myanmar and the Yunnan province of China...

In broad terms, a fruit is a structure of a plant that contains its seeds.The term has different meanings dependent on context. In non-technical usage, such as food preparation, fruit normally means the fleshy seed-associated structures of certain plants that are sweet and edible in the raw state,...

 and plant originating in East Asia
East Asia
East Asia or Eastern Asia is a subregion of Asia that can be defined in either geographical or cultural terms...

. It is believed to be a hybrid of pomelo and Ichang papeda. The fruit looks a bit like a grapefruit
The grapefruit , is a subtropical citrus tree known for its sour fruit, an 18th-century hybrid first bred in Barbados. When found, it was named the "forbidden fruit"; it has also been misidentified with the pomelo or shaddock , one of the parents of this hybrid, the other being sweet orange The...

, and can be either yellow or green depending on the degree of ripeness. Shangjuan fruits, which are very aromatic, can be as large as a grapefruit (up to 10 cm or larger).

Shangjuan forms a shrub or small tree, which is commonly thorny. Leaves are notable for a large petiole
Petiole (botany)
In botany, the petiole is the stalk attaching the leaf blade to the stem. The petiole usually has the same internal structure as the stem. Outgrowths appearing on each side of the petiole are called stipules. Leaves lacking a petiole are called sessile, or clasping when they partly surround the...

, resembling those of the related Kaffir lime
Kaffir lime
The kaffir lime, Citrus × hystrix, Rutaceae), is also known as combava, kieffer lime, limau purut, jeruk purut or makrut lime,...

 and Ichang papeda, and are fragrant. The large fruit has a flavor resembling a mixture of lemon and grapefruit, and is occasionally used as a substitute for those fruits. Like other citrus fruit with C. ichangensis
Ichang Lemon
Citrus ichangensis, the Ichang papeda , is a slow-growing species of the genus Citrus, which has characteristic lemon-scented foliage and flowers. It is native to south-western and west-central China and is likely named for the city of Yichang , in China's Hubei province...

ancestry, the shangjuan is relatively cold-tolerant.
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