(better known as GP Taylor), first published privately in 2002. It is a Christian allegory in the form of a fantasy adventure, akin to C. S. Lewis
' The Chronicles of Narnia
. Taylor wrote the book to counteract what he saw as a rise in atheist propaganda
in children's books such as His Dark Materials
. It is the first of four books generally referred to as The Shadowmancer Quartet. The book was a number one best seller in the UK and the US.
Two thematic sequels named Wormwood
and Tersias
were also released soon after.
It was a still October night.
Keep quiet Beadle. The world does not need to hear your voice.
With the Keruvim I will bring about the death of God and this time he'll be nailed to the tree forever.
You, you're a fop and a dandy. A molly, a preening skylark.
Kill him Farrel. I don't care how you do it, shoot him, push him off a cliff, have him trampled by a herd of sheep, but please KILL HIM!
Sorcery is like painting a fine picture, beautiful, elegant and lovely. YOU DON'T WASTE THE PAINT!
Don't try anything Crane. I can use one of these just as well as you can. (Wielding a pistol.)
The whole world belongs to you Vicar.
Who's your friend? Is he a shadow or does he just not wash?
Don't worry Thomas. I've taken on far scarier things than a girl in a man's clothing.