Shadow Slasher
Shadow Slasher is a fictional supervillain
A supervillain or supervillainess is a variant of the villain character type, commonly found in comic books, action movies and science fiction in various media.They are sometimes used as foils to superheroes and other fictional heroes...

 in the Marvel Comics
Marvel Comics
Marvel Worldwide, Inc., commonly referred to as Marvel Comics and formerly Marvel Publishing, Inc. and Marvel Comics Group, is an American company that publishes comic books and related media...

Marvel Universe
The Marvel Universe is the shared fictional universe where most comic book titles and other media published by Marvel Entertainment take place, including those featuring Marvel's most familiar characters, such as Spider-Man, the Hulk, the X-Men, and the Avengers.The Marvel Universe is further...


Fictional character biography

Shadow Slasher took a plane from Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Hong Kong is one of two Special Administrative Regions of the People's Republic of China , the other being Macau. A city-state situated on China's south coast and enclosed by the Pearl River Delta and South China Sea, it is renowned for its expansive skyline and deep natural harbour...

 to the United States to fight Shang-Chi
Shang-Chi is a Marvel Comics character, often called the "Master of Kung Fu". He was created by writer Steve Englehart and artist Jim Starlin....

, the Master of Kung Fu. When he finds Shang-Chi, Shadow Slasher tells Shang-Chi to prove that he is the son of Fu Manchu
Fu Manchu
Dr. Fu Manchu is a fictional character introduced in a series of novels by British author Sax Rohmer during the first half of the 20th century...

 and they begin to fight. While fighting Shadow Slasher, Shang-Chi was also protecting a blind girl, but still managed to defeat Shadow Slasher, who escapes and says he will return. Later that day, Shadow Slasher attacks Shang-Chi in a park, and is defeated again. Shang-Chi then places the blind girl in the custody of former MI-6
Secret Intelligence Service
The Secret Intelligence Service is responsible for supplying the British Government with foreign intelligence. Alongside the internal Security Service , the Government Communications Headquarters and the Defence Intelligence , it operates under the formal direction of the Joint Intelligence...

 agent Clive Reston
Clive Reston
Clive Reston is a fictional character in the Marvel Comics Universe.-Publication history:Reston first appeared in Giant-Size Master of Kung Fu issue three, in 1974, created by Doug Moench. He went on to be a recurring character in the Master of Kung Fu series, as well as occasionally appearing in...

, and prepares for his final battle with Shadow Slasher. Shadow Slasher meets Shang-Chi in the street and says that every time he fights someone, they always tell him that Shang-Chi is much more skilled than he is and that he would be humbled by the mere presence of the Master of Kung Fu. He is continuously attacking Shang-Chi in an attempt to prove his worth. They begin their final battle and Shang-Chi wins again, and Shadow Slasher escapes again.

Shang-Chi then meets up with Reston and the blind girl and they drive to Stormhaven. When they arrive, Reston realizes his trunk lock was broken, and Shadow Slasher jumps out and attacks Shang-chi. Shang-Chi beats him for the last time and leaves him for the police.

Civil War

Shadow Slasher was attempting to buy a false identity from Vienna
Vienna (comics)
Vienna is a fictional character in the Marvel Comics' Marvel Universe.-Fictional character biography:Vienna first appeared as a stewardess on a plane that Shang-Chi, the Master of Kung-Fu, was on. Shang-Chi was being threatened by a man named Kiley and Vienna helped him defend himself...

 when the Heroes for Hire
Heroes For Hire
Heroes for Hire is a fictional superhero team published by Marvel Comics. The team first appeared in Power Man and Iron Fist #54 , and was created by Ed Hannigan and Lee Elias.-Publication history and original concept:...

 attacked and supposedly apprehended Shadow Slasher and several other villains, who were coincidentally mostly Shang-Chi, Luke Cage
Luke Cage
Luke Cage is a fictional character, a superhero appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer Archie Goodwin and artist John Romita, Sr., he first appeared in Luke Cage, Hero for Hire #1...

, and former Heroes for Hire enemies.
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