Seven Corners Inc
Seven Corners Inc. is a North American travel insurance provider. It specializes in providing travel insurance, trip cancellation, and emergency travel service plans.
Today Seven Corners has relationships with several A.M. Best, A-rated insurance carriers including Virginia Surety Company, Inc.; The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, American International Group (AIG); Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company; Certain Underwriters of Lloyd's of London; and Fairmont Specialty Group, a division of Crum & Forster.
Seven Corners was established in 1993 by a group of international insurance professionals with a strong commitment to high quality products and excellent customer service. At the time, the company operated under the name Specialty Risk International, Inc. (SRI) and offered medical insurance to travelers worldwide.Today Seven Corners has relationships with several A.M. Best, A-rated insurance carriers including Virginia Surety Company, Inc.; The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, American International Group (AIG); Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company; Certain Underwriters of Lloyd's of London; and Fairmont Specialty Group, a division of Crum & Forster.