Seri Menanti Old Palace

Negeri Sembilan
Negeri Sembilan, one of the 13 states that constitutes Malaysia, lies on the western coast of Peninsular Malaysia, just south of Kuala Lumpur and borders Selangor on the north, Pahang in the east, and Malacca and Johor to the south....
. It is a timber palace constructed between 1902 to 1908. Today, the palace has been turned into a royal museum. This four-storey building is special because it was constructed without using any nails. Hardwood rods were instead used to piece the timber together. The roof of this palace represents a buffalo's horns. The buffalo horns are widely regarded as the protective symbol of the palace.
It has four floors and was officiated by Yang DiPertuan Muhammad Ibni Almarhuni Yamtuan Antah. The palace was designed by two local Malay carpenters, Tukang Kahar and Tukang Taib. This palace has 99 posts including four posts which were 67 feet long.