Sedreh is the Avestan term for the undergarment worn by Zoroastrians, which is worn alongside the Kushti
The Sudreh contains a small pocket in the front, which is supposed to collect one's good deeds. It is worn to protect the wearer from evil acts. It is considered a spiritual shield from evil.
It is said that if a Zoroastrian wears the Sudreh inside out, they will receive nightmares or might be able to do wrong things because they do not have the garment's protection.
Kushti is the sacred girdle worn by Zoroastrians around their waists. Along with the Sedreh, the Kushti is part of the ritual dress of the Zoroastrians....
The Sudreh contains a small pocket in the front, which is supposed to collect one's good deeds. It is worn to protect the wearer from evil acts. It is considered a spiritual shield from evil.
It is said that if a Zoroastrian wears the Sudreh inside out, they will receive nightmares or might be able to do wrong things because they do not have the garment's protection.