Sebastiano De Albertis
Sebastiano De Albertis was an Italian painter.


De Albertis worked in the studios of the history painters Domenico
Domenico Induno
Domenico Induno was an Italian painter, originally a goldsmith.He was born and died in Milan, and studied in the Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, as well as under Luigi Sabatelli and at Rome. He tried successively the Neoclassicism and Romantic schools, but afterwards settled down to depict popular...

 and Gerolamo Induno
Gerolamo Induno
Gerolamo Induno was an Italian painter.-Biography:Gerolamo Induno studied at the Brera Academy in Milan from 1839 to 1846 and took part in the Cinque Giornate uprising in 1848. The ensuing Austrian repression caused him to take refuge with his brother and fellow painter Domenico at Astano in...

 and Roberto Focosi while studying at the Brera Academy
Brera Academy
The Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, also known as Brera Academy is a public academic institution located in Milan, Italy. It was founded in 1776 by HIM Maria Theresa of Austria.- Overview :...

 of Fine Arts. His participation in the Brera exhibitions with works of social commitment on historical subjects was initially irregular because of his involvement as a volunteer in the nationalistic uprisings and wars of independence. His work focused as from 1855 on the military and patriotic genre with a rich repertoire of battle scenes repeated in a range of variations, which gradually became his speciality. On returning to Milan
Milan is the second-largest city in Italy and the capital city of the region of Lombardy and of the province of Milan. The city proper has a population of about 1.3 million, while its urban area, roughly coinciding with its administrative province and the bordering Province of Monza and Brianza ,...

, he joined the Società della Confusion – which took institutionalised form as the Circolo degli Artisti in 1875 – together with Tranquillo Cremona and Eleuterio Pagliano
Eleuterio Pagliano
Eleuterio Pagliano was an Italian painter of the Romantic period as well as an activist and fighter of the Risorgimento.-Biography:...

. This cultural climate gravitating around the Scapigliatura movement was the background to the artist’s first watercolours and works of a less committed nature characterised by events and aspects of contemporary life, including the celebrated horse-racing scenes. The premature death of his only son Enrico in 1874 was followed by a return to painting of a patriotic character and marked social commitment. The recipient of numerous official awards, he was appointed a member of the committee for the creation of Milan’s Museo del Risorgimento in 1884.
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