Sebastian Darke: Prince of Explorers
Sebastian Darke - Prince of Explorers is a fantasy novel by Philip Caveney
Philip Caveney
Philip Caveney is a British children's author, best known for the Sebastian Darke and Alec Devlin novels. He previously wrote a number of thrillers for adults.-Sebastian Darke:The Sebastian Darke books are a fantasy series for children...

. It is the third (and final) book in the Sebastian Darke
Sebastian Darke
Sebastian Darke is the eponymous hero of a series of children's novels written by British author Philip Caveney, the name deriving from a real person living in London.-The novels:...

 trilogy. The story continues on from the previous, where Sebastian, Cornelius and Max are hired by a man called Thaddius Peel to explore the jungles of Mendip for a supposed hidden city. The book starts out with the three heroes' perilous journey through the jungle. They are then attacked by creatures known as "Gograths", although the party is saved by another tribe known as the Jilath. Eventually they save the village and defeat the brutes. The King of the Village assigns some of the Jilath to escort the heroes to the hidden city, with directions from an old wise man.
The author has announced that there will be a book of Max, the buffalope, named A Buffalope's Tale
A Buffalope's Tale
A Buffalope's Tale is a 2010 fantasy novel by Philip Caveney. It is a prequel to the Sebastian Darke series.-External links:*, the first chapter, titled "The Great Migration", is posted...

. The first chapter can be read on the official website of Sebastian Darke (
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