Searls is a surname, and may refer to:
  • Doc Searls
    Doc Searls
    David "Doc" Searls , co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto, is an American journalist, columnist, author and a widely-read blogger, a fellow at the Center for Information Technology & Society at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a fellow alumnus of the Berkman Center for Internet &...

     (1947– ), blogger on Linux
  • Niles Searls
    Niles Searls
    Niles Searls was an attorney, politician, and the Chief Justice of California.-Early years:Searls, whose last name is also sometimes spelled as Searles, was born in Coeymans, New York. His father, Abraham Searls , of English descent, worked as a farmer. His mother, Lydia Niles, was of Scottish...

    (c. 1847–1907), American judge
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