Saydal Sokhandan

Kabul University
Kabul University is located in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. It was founded in 1931 but officially opened for classes in 1932. Kabul University is currently attended by approximately 7,000 students, of which 1,700 are women. As of 2008, Hamidullah Amin is the chancellor of the university...
in early 70's. He was a speaker, who organized pro-Progressive Youth Organization
Progressive Youth Organization
Progressive Youth Organization was a revolutionary organization in Afghanistan. The organization emerged out of the New Democratic Current , a leftist movement that had been established by Abdulrahim Mahmudi, Abdulhadi Mahmudi, Akram Yari and Seddiq Yari...
students in the university. PYO is considered the first revolutionary communist formation in Afghanistan with Maoist ideology.
In June 1972, when Sholayis (Maoists) and Ikhwanis (Islamic fundamentalists) clashed on the campus of Kabul University, Saydal Sokhandan was killed by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar is an Afghan Mujahideen leader who is the founder and leader of the Hezb-e Islami political party and paramilitary group. Hekmatyar was a rebel military commander during the 1980s Soviet war in Afghanistan and was one of the key figures in the civil war that followed the...
, http://www.ariananet.com/modules.php?name=Biographies&b_op=show_this_biography&bio_cid=1&bio_name_id=22 leader of the Islamic Party of Afghanistan, during this clash in June 1972.
Saydal Sokhandan has many poems in the Pashto language. One of his poems is:
په ټوپک او په برچه دی استعمار پاره پاره کړه
شابه شابه ای کارګره خپل ایمان غیرت ښکاره کړه
Tear apart colonialism with your gun and knife
Bravo Bravo Workers show your faith and determination